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发布时间:2024-01-02 10:58:02 热度:65


开头:爱国演讲稿英文 爱国英语演讲稿: hello, everyone! today my topic is cheer for ourmotherland. as we all know china is the country that the nation’s economy and people’s living standard are growing rapidly. and we are someone here, in the east, in asia, in the whole world. that's because our chinese,our hearts always go with love and hope.this love and this hope is from the heart of every chinese.it is deep and strong.


开头:三分钟英语演讲稿 everybody is good, the title of my speech today is our iron in front of the two words -- unity! 'unity is strength!' the lyrics well, it motivates us to do anything to unite as one, go forward, not only by one person. as the saying goes, a quarrel, because of the 'face' has no power of unity, not to unite another slap. like our people, disunity others alone, his contribution is negligible. so we are still in life, no matter in the collective solidarity, because the power of solidarity is more hard than iron, stronger than steel!


开头:的编辑为您准备了关于的文章,希望对您有帮助! discover yourself i never think speaking in front of other people on the stage is possible for me, a shy girl, when i was ten. so when my teacher asked me to host a party of school, i refused immediately, with saying “you must be kidding.”


开头:阳光奥运、有你有我(sunshine olympics,you and me) 自由、手足、发现、创造(freedom, brotherhood, explore,create) 让激情点燃历史(passionize history)


开头:英文演讲稿范本:milkman vs. mailman with the development of science and technology, change has penetrated into every aspect of our daily life. to illustrate that, i'd like to make a comparison of these two seemingly insignificant things: milkman and mailman, whose differences indicate our changing way of living with the times.


开头:boys and girls, good afternoon. the content that i will give a lecture today is still about the subject that's unchanged since ancient times to now days, which is friendship. there have been thousands of explanations as for the word 'friend'. but i resolutely think that there is the best definition to explain it, which is trust. the story that i read recently makes my idea firm. it happened in italy four centuries b.c.a young man named pi sia was sentenced to death, because of having offended the tyrant. pi sia was a filial son, and he asked to see his old mother before death. the king promised him , but set down the condition that he must find another person to be in prison instead of him. the condition was so critical that it was almost impossible to be realized. but pi sia did find such a man, who was his friend named dameng. then pi sia went home to bid farewell with mother as he wished. days passed quickly, and the term of imprisonment was near at hand, but pi sia had not turned back yet. most people ascertained that pi sia had deceived his friend. in the real life, what will be kept in the history is not material wealth, but mutual affection being loyal-hearted. let us abandon suspicion, hate out of jealousy, and deal with friends in all sincerity. believing that our eyes will brighten, and there will be even more happy laughter and cheerful voices in our world. 译文: 信任的力量


开头:all the celebrations welcoming the new century were hold in the year xx年, because life without a greeting is like the sky without the sun.greetings are very important for the whole world,in my opinion.


开头:何江哈佛毕业典礼中英文演讲稿 the spider’s bite 蜘蛛咬伤轶事 when i was in middle school, a poisonous spider bit my right hand. i ran to my mom for help—but instead of taking me to a doctor, my mom set my hand on fire.


开头:中文部分演讲: 榜样力量之旷世伟人 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!




开头:自我介绍演讲稿的英文版 general introduction i am a third year master major in automation at shanghai jiao tong university, p. r. china. with tremendous interest in industrial engineering, i am writing to apply for acceptance into your ph.d. graduate program.


开头:一带一路演讲稿(中英文版) 禚赛凤 first paragraph hello ladies and gentlemen! it’s reslly my honored to have this opportunity to introduce myself.my name is zhuo saifeng, from the department of information science and technology, and today i want to share with you a motto: ' yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a dream, live for today. ' what is the most important person in the world? is now in front of my eyes; what is the most important thing in the world? is what i have to do now; what is the most important time in the world? right now.' then my speech topic is' new ideas, new platforms, new development.'


开头:ted演讲稿中英文对照 hi. i'm here to talk to you about the importance of praise, admiration and thank you, and having it be specific and genuine. 嗨。我在这里要和大家谈谈 向别人表达赞美,倾佩和谢意的重要性。 并使它们听来真诚,具体。


开头:文/小雷 2023年9月8日 it is great to be at our school, it is an honor to have everybody here to listen to my speech. this is beyond anybody’s expectation, i stand here run for the student council president.


开头:good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, it’s a great honor to speak here: i am an english teacher. people often say: teacher is the engineer of human spirit. last september, i became a teacher.


开头:20xx春节英文演讲稿 spring festival is the chinese new year day. i enjoy it very much. on the chinese new year day, some of our relatives come to visit us. they often give me some lucky money. then i would play with their children. we often play firecrakers together, which is quite interesting.


开头:您正在阅读“中学生感恩的英文演讲稿(中英对照)” 感恩是学会做人的支点,感恩之心是一种美好的感情,是对世间所有人所有事给予自己的帮助表示感激,铭记在心,感恩是我们民族的优良传统,是一个正直的人的起码品德。


开头:so the type of magic i like, and i'm a magician, is a magic that uses technology to create illusions. so i would like to show you something i've been working on. it's an application that i think will be useful for artists -- multimedia artists in particular. it synchronizes videos across multiple screens of mobile devices. and i borrowed these three ipods from people here in the audience to show you what i mean. and i'm going to use them to tell you a little bit about my favorite subject: deception.


开头:大家晚上好: 此时此刻,我站在这个演讲台上,心里很紧张,不是因为是否能讲得好,而是在座的各位,将来可能成为我的领导,可能是我的老板。





