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发布时间:2023-12-25 13:18:24 热度:88


开头:【2023年感恩节英语演讲稿】 hi, everybody. on behalf of all the obamas – michelle, malia, sasha, bo, and the newest member of our family, sunny – i want to wish you a happy and healthy thanksgiving.


开头:【奥巴马xx年感恩节演讲稿】 remarks of president barack obama on thanksgiving day november 22, xx 美国总统奥巴马感恩节致辞


开头:中文部分演讲: 树立法律意识 营设法治风气 纵观法律,从一条河堤走向无尽苍穹,从口口相传走向文字章法,迈着人类思想文明进步的步伐,踏着社会变迁的规律节奏,逐步走向科学合理完善。


开头:【奥巴马xx年感恩节演讲稿】 美利坚合众国总统公告 november 16, xx xx年11月16日


开头:mr. president, ladies and gentlemen,good afternoon!before i introduce our cultural programs, i want to tell you one thing first about 2023. you're going to have a great time in beijing.china has its own sport legends. back to song dynasty, about the 11th century, people started to play a game called cuju, which is regarded as the origin of ancient football. the game was very popular and women were also participating. now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today.there are a lot more wonderful and exciting things waiting for you in new beijing, a dynamic modern metropolis with 3,000 years of cultural treasures woven into the urban tapestry. along with the iconic imagery of the forbidden city, the temple of heaven and the great wall, the city offers an endless mixture of theatres, museums, discos, all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls that will amaze and delight you. but beyond that, it is a place of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. people of beijing believe that the 2023 olympic games in beijing will help to enhance the harmony between our culture and the diverse cultures of the world. their gratitude will pour out in open expressions of affection for you and the great movement that you guide. within our cultural programs, education and communication will receive the highest priority. we seek to create an intellectual and sporting legacy by broadening the understanding of the olympic ideals throughout the country. cultural events will unfold each year, from 2023 to 2023. we will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, such as concerts, exhibitions, art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. during the olympics, they will be staged in the olympic village and the city for the benefit of the athletes. our ceremonies will give china's greatest-and the world's greatest artists a stage for celebrating the common aspirations of humanity and the unique heritage of our culture and the olympic movement. with a concept inspired by the famed silk road, our torch relay will break new ground, traveling from olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-greek, roman, egyptian, byzantine, mesopotamian, persian, arabian, indian and chinese. carrying the message 'share the peace, share the olympics,' the eternal flame will reach new heights as it crosses the himalayas over the world's highest summit - mount qomolangma, which is known to many of you as mt. everest. in china, the flame will pass through tibet, cross the yangtze and yellow rivers, travel the great wall and visit hong kong, macau, taiwan and the 56 ethnic communities who make up our society. on its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay. i am afraid i can not present the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. before i end, let me share with you one story. seven hundred years ago, amazed by his incredible deions of a far away land of great beauty.d by his incredible deio whether his stories about china were true.he answered: what i have told you was not even half of what i saw. actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of beijing that awaits you. ladies and gentlemen, i believe that beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. come and join us.thank you, mr. president. thank you all.


开头:以下是奥巴马的告别演说全文: 你好,芝加哥!回家的感觉真好!谢谢,谢谢大家!(省略n个谢谢) 在过去几个星期里,我和michelle收到了各种美好的祝愿,我们非常感动,感谢大家对我的支持。今晚我仍然要向你们表达我的感谢,是你们,身处各地,各个场所的每一位美国人让我保持真诚,是你们给了我灵感,并一直激励着我前进。我每天都在向你们学习,是你们让我成为一个更好的总统,成为一个更优秀的人。




开头:伊万卡演讲稿中英文 特朗普女儿伊万卡的助选演讲稿中英文对照版 good evening. thank you.one year ago, i introduced my father when hedeclared his candidacy. in his own way, and through his own sheer force of will,he sacrificed greatly to enter the political arena as an outsider. and heprevailed against afield of 16 very talented competitors.for more than a year,donald trump has been the people’s champion, and tonight he’s the people’snominee.


开头:with great power comes great responsibility it is really my honor to stand here , especially with all these excellent students! well! the topic of my speech today is “with great power comes great responsibility”!


开头:dear students : hello everyone ! black mamba is a deadly poisonous snakes have , why do i get this name? because once i entered the stadium , i was deadly , like the black mamba same. so the next scene , i can joke , but once i entered the stadium , i'll be like a new person , like , engrossed on the pitch.


开头:my dear friends: do you know what is the most precious and everlasting thing in the world? money? you may lose everything you have if you do not use money carefully enough. youth? in one?'s long life youth is like a flash in the pan and no one in the world has the secret to keep his youth forever. beautiful look? many people pray that they can get hold of beauty, but it disappears far more quickly than they can imagine. and when they are in real trouble beauty itself feels helpless. a good job? as you grow older and your brain and hands cannot work as fast as before, it will become other people?'s wealth.


开头:一带一路演讲稿(中英文版) 禚赛凤 first paragraph hello ladies and gentlemen! it’s reslly my honored to have this opportunity to introduce myself.my name is zhuo saifeng, from the department of information science and technology, and today i want to share with you a motto: ' yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a dream, live for today. ' what is the most important person in the world? is now in front of my eyes; what is the most important thing in the world? is what i have to do now; what is the most important time in the world? right now.' then my speech topic is' new ideas, new platforms, new development.'


开头:中英文毕业典礼演讲稿 graduates of yale university, i apologize if you have endured this type of prologue before, but i want you to do something for me. please, take a ood look around you. look at the classmate on your left. look at the classmate on your right. now, consider this: five years from now, 10 years from now, even 30 years from now, odds are the person on your left is going to be a loser. the person on your right, meanwhile, will also be a loser. and you, in the middle? what can you expect? loser. loserhood. loser cum laude.


开头:我的分数观 分数,对于我们学生来说,是至关重要的了。老师要用分数来衡量我们—上初中,要分数;上高中,要分数;上 大学要分数,考研究生、博士要分数,出国、评职称还是要分数。家长要用分数来要求我们;社会用分数来衡量我们。


开头:new york: i am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. i never graduated from college. truth be told, this is the closest i've ever gotten to a college graduation. today i want to tell you three stories from my life. that's it. no big deal. just three stories.


开头:我的分数观中英文演讲稿 分数,对于我们学生来说,是至关重要的了。老师要用分数来衡量我们—上初中,要分数;上高中,要分数;上大学要分数,考研究生、博士要分数,出国、评职称还是要分数。家长要用分数来要求我们;社会用分数来衡量我们。


开头:many things in this world find neither an answer nor a proper explanation. for example, why should two become a couple among the billions of people on earth? why don’t they love each other even though they live together everyday, and yet one of them falls in love with someone else at the first sight? why do the members of a family quarrel daily but still stay unhappily together? why can’t they get married in spite of the fact that they are a perfect match to each other? why should one toil so much for the other? why should the love-infatuated always be deserted by the heartless?.....


开头:no imagination, no creativity dear teachers and students: good morning / afternoon / evening! my name is liu zi yuan. the title of my speech is the relationship between creativity and imagination.


开头:王欢老师和徐菁老师 各位老师、亲爱的同学们:?大家好!? dear teachers and students: hello, everyone!


开头:一带一路演讲中英文双语演讲稿 your excellencies paroubek and kolodko, distinguished guests, friends,



