开头:66岁创业成功,如何做到? 演讲者:paul tasner i'd like to take you back about seven years in my life. friday afternoon, a few days before christmas 20xx. i was the director of operations at a consumer products company in san francisco, and i was called into a meeting that was already in progress. that meeting turned out to be my exit interview. i was fired, along with several others.
结尾:阶段性的总结,是慢慢地积累,不断地成长的过程,希望你能够培养自己良好的总结习惯,给自己一个理由,改变一成不变的自己,改变那个不思进取的自己,改变那个只想收获从不付出的自己,你希望得到别人认可的前提是,你觉得自己认可自己了吗?你真的觉得你现在做的一切就足够了吗?你就是如此满足? 孩子,该成长了,如果一味地盲目生活,盲目地工作,度日如年,你的日子还能够继续下去吗?
开头:演说题目:the world's english mania 演说者:jay walker let's talk about manias. let's start with beatlemania.(recording of crowd roaring)hysterical teenagers, crying, screaming, pandemonium.(recording of crowd roaring)sports mania: deafening crowds, all for one idea — get the ball in the net. (recording) goal! okay, religious mania: there's rapture, there's weeping, there's visions. manias can be good. manias can be alarming. or manias can be deadly.(recording of crowd cheering)
结尾:所以英语热是一个转折点,就像我们城市里的供电系统或者柏林墙的倒塌,英语代表着希望,拥有一个更好的未来的希望,未来全世界将用共同语言去解决共同的问题。 thank you very much.(applause) 非常感谢 (掌声)
开头:how to make hard choices 演讲者:ruth chang | 中英对照演讲稿 | think of a hard choice you'll face in the near future. it might be between two careers--artist and accountant--or places to live--the city or the country--or even between two people to marry--you could marry betty or you could marry lolita. or it might be a choice about whether to have children, to have an ailing parent move in with you, to raise your child in a religion that your partner lives by but leaves you cold. or whether to donate your life savings to charity.
结尾:艰难抉择不是痛苦和恐惧的来源,而是难得的机遇让我们庆幸人类有如此特殊的选择权利,庆幸有时候区分选择正误的理性原由会用尽,而且,庆幸有在这个具有艰难抉择的世界里,我们有能力去为自己创造理由,去成为与众不同的自己。这就是为什么,艰难抉择不是一种诅咒,而是天赐之物。 thank you.(applause) 谢谢(掌声)
开头:1. 演讲前的准备 准备是搞好演讲的前提。首先是要确立一个题目或一个话题。一般演讲赛都分为命题演讲和即兴演讲。如要进行演讲比赛则必须对各个方面加以准备:政治、经济、文化、教育等,找好立意点,拟定题目,如政治方面的演讲主题:wto、统一、和平与发展、机遇与挑战;经济方面演讲主题:西部大开发、农村经济、再就业;教育方面演讲方题:中西方教育的不同、远程教育、终身教育、枪手;文化方面演讲主题:文化的交流与融合、校园文化;环保方面演讲主题:man and nature;科技方面演讲主题:网络、克隆、基因;卫生方面演讲主题:keep physically and mentally healthy;体育方面演讲主题:olympics……有些方面题目太大,可从多角度和多侧面思考,找好切入点,将题目细化和具体化,写出演讲稿的提纲,构思和组织演讲稿结构。
结尾:to emphasize physical size such as length,width,hold your hands out in front you widely apart to move them up and down. 如果想要强调长度尺寸的大小,将两手伸向前方,尽量分开,并上下移动。
开头:welcome everyone. i'm glad you could make it. i'll be discussing the elderly today. senior citizens are super.
结尾:they're a godsend and blessing. visit your grandparents or elderly neighbors. visit old soldiers or nursing homes. you'll receive twice as much as you give!
开头:1.根据听众对象,注意演讲的总体措词 演讲的总体措词是严肃一些还是活泼一些,是有较明显的说教口气还是用平等的口吻,等等,都要根据听众对象而定。如果场下听众是同龄的学生,那么演讲的内容只要风趣一些往往就能引起共鸣。但另一方面,如果听众大多是上了年纪的教师,太多的笑料反而会被认为“不严肃”,“不尊重”,而引起反感。
结尾:不要问你们的国家能为你们做些什么,而要问你们能为你们的国家做些什么。 设想一下,假如在我们的演讲中能融入上述这样运用得当的修辞手段,那我们的演讲将会变得多么有力与动人
开头:中英对照翻译 so, i'll be speaking to you using language ... because i can. this is one these magical abilities that we humans have. we can transmit really complicated thoughts to one another.
结尾:重点是你说的语言 如何形塑出你的思考。 那就给了你一个机会,可以问: 「我为何会用我这种方式思考?」 「我要如何用不同方式思考?」 and also, 'what thoughts do i wish to create?'thank you very much. 还有, 「我想要创造出怎样的想法?」非常谢谢。
开头:good day everyone! let's talk about love. i am sure that would get your attention. learn how to win love!
结尾:never love for any reason but love. good luck,romeos and juliets! now,be a cupid with your arrow! now go win the true love you deserve!
开头:welcome and hello。 it's great to have you here。 let me tell you how to be popular。 we all want to be liked and admired。
结尾:it's more important to be true。 thanks for your attention。 now,go have a great day。 go out and enjoy being popular!
开头:面对困难的选择,我们一开始就错了 演讲者:ruth chang think of a hard choice you'll face in the near future. it might be between two careers--artist and accountant--or places to live--the city or the country--or even between two people to marry--you could marry betty or you could marry lolita. or it might be a choice about whether to have children, to have an ailing parent move in with you, to raise your child in a religion that your partner lives by but leaves you cold. or whether to donate your life savings to charity.
开头:the psychology of evil 演讲者:philip zimbardo / 中文演讲稿 / 许多世纪以来,哲学家,剧作家,神学家都在着力解决这个问题:什么使人们变坏?有趣的是,当我还是小孩时,我问过同样的问题。我在纽约南布朗克斯市中的贫民窟长大,周围充满了罪恶,如同所有在贫民窟长大的孩子一样。我有一些朋友,他们曾是好孩子,但他们的人生却如同罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森笔下的变身怪医,由善转恶。他们染毒,惹了麻烦,然后进了监狱。有些丧了命,即使并没有沾染毒品。
开头:演讲稿一:how to learn english! here are some tips which may help you to master the english language! speak without fear
结尾:4. of course, to chat with native speakers, if possible, is a good method for learning english. or you may chat with them on-line since you've time to log onto the internet. 5. to watch english movies or tv plays is another option for learning english.
开头:演说题目:如何在说话时表现出你的专业性? 演说者:adam galinsky speaking up is hard to do. i understood the true meaning of this phrase exactly one month ago, when my wife and i became new parents. it was an amazing moment. it was exhilarating and elating, but it was also scary and terrifying. and it got particularly terrifying when we got home from the hospital,and we were unsure whether our little baby boy was getting enough nutrients from breastfeeding. and we wanted to call our pediatrician, but we also didn't want to make a bad first impression or come across as a crazy, neurotic parent. so we worried. and we waited. when we got to the doctor's office the next day, she immediately gave him formula because he was pretty dehydrated. our son is fine now, and our doctor has reassured us we can always contact her. but in that moment, i should've spoken up, but i didn't.
结尾:当情景需要的时候, 变成一只凶猛的熊妈妈, 或是一个谦恭的咨询者。 拥有极佳的证据和强大的盟友。 成为一个热情的换位思考者。 如果你能够运用这些工具-这些是在座的每一位 都能够使用的工具- 你们就能扩大你们的 可接受行为范围, 你们的生活就会很快乐的。 谢谢。
开头:ladies and gentlemen. i'd like to welcome everyone. i'm here to teach you how to say no. i use to be a 'yes person.'
结尾:i have no time today. now,i have to go. now,i must say no. sorry,no more for today.(thank you.)
开头:在死亡面前,生活如何有意义 演说者:lucy kalanithi a few days after my husband paul was diagnosed with stage iv lung cancer,we were lying in our bed at home,and paul said,it’s going to be ok.and i remember answering back,yes.we just don’t know what ok means yet.
开头:good evening everyone! i am here to give you some hints and suggestions on how to deliver a good speech, and how to win in this competition. though i know the professors seated down here especially my professor, my coach, ms. li yanshu are the right ones to tell you. therefore, i am here offering my fair share of speech competition experience as a participant of last year's final.
结尾:so, have faith in yourself, with confidence and grace, embrace changes and differences, you can acheieve more than you can imagine today! now i shall leave the stage to you, the real contestants. good luck to you all! thank you.
开头:压力大,怎么办?压力会让你心跳加速、呼吸加快、额头冒汗!当压力成为全民健康公敌时,有研究显示只有当你与压力为敌时,它才会危害你的健康。心理学家kelly mcgonigal 从积极的一面分析压力,教你如何使压力变成你的朋友!
结尾:kelly mcgonigal: yeah, and one thing we know for certain is that chasing meaning is better for your health than trying to avoid discomfort. and so i would say that's really the best way to make decisions, is go after what it is that creates meaning in your life and then trust yourself to handle the stress that follows. ca: thank you so much, kelly. it's pretty cool. km: thank you. (applause)
开头:演讲者:david grady picture this: it's monday morning, you're at the office, you're settling in for the day at work, and this guy that you sort of recognize from down the hall, walks right into your cubicle and he steals your chair. doesn't say a word — just rolls away with it. doesn't give you any information about why he took your chair out of all the other chairs that are out there.
开头:good day,everybody. i'm excited to be here. i have advice about frienship. friendship is precious.
结尾:i hope you never need to use it! i appreciate your attention. thank you all so much. thank god for the beauty of friends.
开头:演讲者:laura vanderkam 劳拉·凡德卡姆 中英对照翻译 when people find out i write about time management, they assume two things. one is that i'm always on time, and i'm not. i have four small children, and i would like to blame them for my occasional tardiness, but sometimes it's just not their fault. i was once late to my own speech on time management.
结尾:这就是看着一个人所有的时间,然后找到什么时候可以做想做的事。我真的相信,我们都有充分的时间。就算我们很忙,我们仍然有时间去做重要的事。当我们关注在重要的事上时,我们可以用所拥有的时间创造我们想要的生活。 thank you. 谢谢。
演讲稿开场白 如何更好地吸引听众怎么写-开头和结尾(精选20个)