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发布时间:2024-02-21 06:56:11 热度:97


开头:奥巴马获胜演说演讲稿(中英文) barack obama’s victory speech: change has come to america if there is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.



开头:演讲 安雨蒙 ann 贯宇坤 aaron get ready for the final exams

结尾:schoolmates, let us take action, grasp the currentone minute and one minute, do a good job of reviewing, and get good grades inthe final exam, and draw a perfect ending for the semester.it is a way to thankour hardworking teachers! 来看一波大奖播报


开头:中英文毕业典礼演讲稿 graduates of yale university, i apologize if you have endured this type of prologue before, but i want you to do something for me. please, take a ood look around you. look at the classmate on your left. look at the classmate on your right. now, consider this: five years from now, 10 years from now, even 30 years from now, odds are the person on your left is going to be a loser. the person on your right, meanwhile, will also be a loser. and you, in the middle? what can you expect? loser. loserhood. loser cum laude.

结尾:绝不是为了你们,2023年毕业生。你们已经被报销,不予考虑了。我想,你们就偷偷摸摸去干那年薪20万的可怜工作吧,在那里,工资单是由你两年前辍学的同班同学签字开出来的。事实上,我是寄希望于眼下还没有毕业的同学。我要对他们说,离开这里。收拾好你的东西,带着你的点子,别再回来。退学吧,开始行动。 我要告诉你,一顶帽子一套学位服必然要让你沦落,就像这些保安马上要把我从这个讲台上撵走一样必然。(此时,larry被带离了讲台)


开头:with great power comes great responsibility it is really my honor to stand here , especially with all these excellent students! well! the topic of my speech today is “with great power comes great responsibility”!



开头:this is the first day of school.lots of children are wearing new clothes. they are very happy. mary is an american pupils.this is her firt time in china and her first time in a chinese school.she is very happy, too.today is her first day at school. other children are not here yet.but they'll be here soon.mary will be thefirst one to greet everybody.

结尾:i have many hobbies. first, i like playing video games. computer games are cool. i like cs best. i could play it all day. secound, i like all kinds of sports. i like being outdoors. i love fresh air and sunshine. playing football with friends is fun. swimming in the sea is my favorite. in addition, i like to draw pictures at home. i often read comics on the bed in the evening. it's my secret. hey, buddy. please don't tell my parents. furthermore, i like music. i like singing. i ofen sing film songs while i walk in the street. of course, i learn english everyday. as you know, english is used everywhere in the world. so i learn english very hard. i hope i can travel around the world and speak english with foreigners someday. then i can talk about the beijing xx olympic games with them. it's my colorful dream in the english world. there is more i like to do. there is more i want to say. maybe i can tell you more next time. thank you for listening.



结尾:所以这就是我们对你们所有人的呼吁。在你离开斯坦福校园之后,带着你的天分,乐观以及同情心,改变这个世界,让数百万人为之乐观起来。你无须急功近利,你还要开创事业,付清债款,找寻另一半并喜结良缘。现在就这些便足够了,但是在你们的生命之中,可能你们并未计划过,你会目睹那些让你心碎的苦楚。当这些痛苦发生时,不要掩面离开,在这一刻,改变因此而孕育。 congratulations and good luck to the class of 2023! 最后,向2023届毕业生表示祝贺,并祝你们好运!


开头:艾玛沃森联合国演讲稿中英文 emma watson: gender equality is your issue too 艾玛 沃森:性别平等也关乎你



开头:中文部分演讲: 树立法律意识 营设法治风气 纵观法律,从一条河堤走向无尽苍穹,从口口相传走向文字章法,迈着人类思想文明进步的步伐,踏着社会变迁的规律节奏,逐步走向科学合理完善。

结尾:③[as modifier](of an object)serving to establish who the holder, owner, or wearer is by bearing their name and often other details such as a signature or photograph(物件)能证明持有者身份的


开头:at his trial in 1964, nelson mandela closed his statement from the dock saying, 'i have fought against white domination, and i have fought against black domination. i have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. it is an ideal which i hope to live for and to achieve. but if needs be, it is an ideal for which i am prepared to die.'

结尾:for now, let us pause and give thanks for the fact that nelson mandela lived -- a man who took history in his hands, and bent the arc of the moral universe toward justice. may god bless his memory and keep him in peace.


开头:「转」父亲节中英文演讲稿大全 today day is a memorable day, are the annual fathers day! deep sea motherly love, fatherly love heavy as a mountain. people at the same time to celebrate mothers day and did not forget his fathers achievements. someone start the year on the recommendation of fathers day. years, it is to celebrate the first fathers day. at that time, the late father of all people have to wear a white rose, the father of the people alive while wearing red roses. this custom has been passed so far.



开头:my dear friends: do you know what is the most precious and everlasting thing in the world? money? you may lose everything you have if you do not use money carefully enough. youth? in one?'s long life youth is like a flash in the pan and no one in the world has the secret to keep his youth forever. beautiful look? many people pray that they can get hold of beauty, but it disappears far more quickly than they can imagine. and when they are in real trouble beauty itself feels helpless. a good job? as you grow older and your brain and hands cannot work as fast as before, it will become other people?'s wealth.



开头:i am honored extremely stand in here for everybody lecture! we all knew that, now the world all is suffering the financial crisis, and many factories all already went out of business the bankruptcy, this also meant could have many people to face is coming off sentry duty.



开头:大学生关于金融危机中英文演讲稿 i am honored extremely stand in here for everybody lecture! we all knew that, now the world all is suffering the financial crisis, and many factories all already went out of business the bankruptcy, this also meant could have many people to face is coming off sentry duty. perhaps in school we regarding this realized is not very big, however we soon face the graduation, also meant must look for the work. already some people commented: the next several year university graduate, the graduation also on meant unemployment! although i not like this believed, but i still felt we should have one kind of crisis feeling, by faces the worst possible occurrence. therefore, also cannot again continue to waste in the university period time, that already was may not obtain extremely! therefore i hoped schoolmates, all can learn own diligently special course, in order to might find from now on most suits own work.



开头:本文是为大家整理的关于the strength of trust中英文演讲稿范文对照的文章,希望大家能够喜 欢! the strength of trust中英文演讲稿范文对照 boys and girls, good afternoon. the content that i will give a lecture today is still about the subject that's unchanged since ancient times to now days, which is friendship. there have been thousands of explanations as for the word 'friend'. but i resolutely think that there is the best definition to explain it, which is trust. the story that i read recently makes my idea firm. it happened in italy four centuries b.c.a young man named pi sia was sentenced to death, because of having offended the tyrant. pi sia was a filial son, and he asked to see his old mother before death. the king promised him , but set down the condition that he must find another person to be in prison instead of him. the condition was so critical that it was almost impossible to be realized. but pi sia did find such a man, who was his friend named dameng. then pi sia went home to bid farewell with mother as he wished. days passed quickly, and the term of imprisonment was near at hand, but pi sia had not turned back yet. most people ascertained that pi sia had deceived his friend. in the real life, what will be kept in the history is not material wealth, but mutual affection being loyal-hearted. let us abandon suspicion, hate out of jealousy, and deal with friends in all sincerity. believing that our eyes will brighten, and there will be even more happy laughter and cheerful voices in our world. 译文: 信任的力量

结尾:同学们: 下午好! 今天我所要演讲的内容仍然围绕着人类的一个亘古不变的话题进行,那就是———友情。千百年来,世人对于“朋友”的阐释有千种万种,但我一直坚决地认为,对这一定义的解释只需两个字,那就是信任。前不久,读了久远而真实的故事,更坚定了我这一看法。 那是在公元前四世纪的意大利,有一个名叫皮斯阿司的年轻人因触犯了暴君而被判处绞刑。皮斯阿司是个孝子,临死之前,他希望能与远在百里之外的母亲见最后一面。国王感其诚孝,决定让他回家与母亲相见,但条件是必须找到一个人来代替他。这是一个看似简单其实近乎不可能实现的条件。要知道,有谁肯冒着被杀头的危险来替别人坐牢?但世界上真的有这样的人,他就是皮斯阿司的朋友达蒙。于是,皮斯阿司如愿以偿回家与母亲诀别。 日子如水,眼看刑期在即,可皮斯阿司却丝毫没有回来的迹象。人们议论纷纷,都说达蒙上了皮斯阿司的当。 行刑日是个雨天,当达蒙被押赴刑场之时,围观的人都在嘲笑他,但刑车上的达蒙却面无惧色。绞索已经挂在达蒙的脖子上,就在这千钧一发之际,淋漓的风雨中一人飞奔而来,高呼着:“等等,我来了!”是皮斯阿司回来了。 这是人世间最最感人的一幕。达蒙为顾全朋友的孝心置自身安危于度外,这种精神可歌可泣;皮斯阿司为履行诺言不惜以生命为代价,这种勇气世间又有几人能具备?同学们,面对死刑,达蒙之所以坦然,就在于他相信皮斯阿司不是那种言而无信、出卖朋友的小人,这就是信任的力量。 这是一个真实的震撼人的灵魂的故事,尤其对于尊崇自我中心化的现代人而言,它更是发人深省。友情是人间的宝藏,是人生的坐标,是保持心灵之花永不枯萎的甘露。真正的朋友会在你消沉时以微笑激励你奋起直追,会在你得意时以忠言提醒你保持清醒。可是,在当今现实利益具有无上威力的社会里,友情却变得脆弱而吝啬,数年的好友可能一夜间反目成仇,友情也可能成为交易的筹码…… 其实,友情不会泯灭,只是人们不懂得珍惜。作家毕淑敏在文章中提到:“友情:这棵树上只结一个果子,叫做信任。”友谊是最简朴同时也是最奢侈的营养,需要用信任和真情去灌溉;它仿佛温室中的花朵,只有在悉心地呵护和滋养下才会愈加娇艳和灿烂。在什么都是越现代越好的年代里,友谊,我们还应保持那古老的准则———信任。只要你信任以待,友情就会永远地捍卫在你的周围,成为你终生的财富。 信任是一种弥足珍贵的感情,没有人能够用金钱买得到,也没有人可用利诱和武力得到。它来自一个人的灵魂深处,仿佛流淌的清泉,涤除世俗的污垢,让心灵充满纯洁和自信;它可以拯救灵魂,扫除盘踞于人内心深处的屏障,使你获得加倍的友谊。 人生一世,消失的是岁月,收获的是情谊。长留史册的,不是锱铢必较的利益,而是肝胆相照的情分。让我们抛弃猜疑和嫉恨,以信任之情和朋友坦诚相待。相信我们的眼睛将云翳顿散,相信我们的世界会有更多的欢声笑语。



结尾:america, in the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words. with hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come. let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and god's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations. thank you. god bless you. and god bless the united states of america.


开头:中文部分演讲: 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 今天我班国旗下演讲的题目为:匠心筑梦,文化强国。

结尾:[变形] 复数:essences n. the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character本质,实质;要素


开头:ted演讲稿中英文对照 hi. i'm here to talk to you about the importance of praise, admiration and thank you, and having it be specific and genuine. 嗨。我在这里要和大家谈谈 向别人表达赞美,倾佩和谢意的重要性。 并使它们听来真诚,具体。

结尾:非常简单。 为什么要关心这个呢? 我们谈论世界和平。 我们怎么用不同的文化,不同的语言来保持世界和平? 我想要从每个小家庭开始。 所以让我们在家里就把这件事情做好。 我想要感谢所有在这里的人们 因为你们是好丈夫,好母亲, 好伙伴,好女儿和好儿子。 或许有些人从没跟你们说过 但你们已经做得非常非常得出色了。 感谢你们来到这里, 向世界显示着你们的智慧,并用它们改变着世界。


开头:尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好!今天我讲话的题目是《 重视安全 关爱健康》。 dear teachers and students.good morning.the topic of my speech today is 'valuing safety and caring for health'

结尾:teachers, students, love is one of the core values of our school. the school that pursues love of course hopes that you attach importance to safety and everyone has a safe and healthy life.let us act consciously, pay attention to behavior safety, health safety, food safety. only by paying attention to and practicing these safety awareness can we achieve the goal of caring for health. be a healthy person, study happily and live a relaxed life. that's all for my speech. thank you.


开头:new york: i am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. i never graduated from college. truth be told, this is the closest i've ever gotten to a college graduation. today i want to tell you three stories from my life. that's it. no big deal. just three stories.

结尾:当我年轻的时候,有一本叫做“整个地球的目录”振聋发聩的杂志,它是我们那一代人的圣经之一。它是一个叫stewart brand的家伙在离这里不远的menlo park编辑的,他象诗一般神奇地将这本书带到了这个世界。那是六十年代后期, 在个人电脑出现之前, 所以这本书全部是用打字机,、剪刀还有偏光镜制造的。有点像用软皮包装的google, 在google出现三十五年之前:这是理想主义的,其中有许多灵巧的工具和伟大的想法。 stewart和他的伙伴出版了几期的“整个地球的目录”,当它完成了自己使命的时候,他们做出了最后一期的目录。那是在七十年代的中期, 我正是你们的年纪。在最后一期的封底上是清晨乡村公路的照片(如果你有冒险精神的话,你可以自己找到这条路的),在照片之下有这样一段话:“求知若饥,虚心若愚。”这是他们停止了发刊的告别语。“求知若饥,虚心若愚。(stay hungry,stay foolish)”我总是希望自己能够那样,现在,在你们即将毕业,开始新的旅程的时候,我也希望你们能这样:求知若饥,虚心若愚。非常感谢你们!


开头:各位老师,同学们。 大家上午好! 今天我讲话的题目是:《认真复习准备,迎接期末考试》。 dear teachers and students,

结尾:students, the final exam has been passionately opened arms, let us go into her arms with our sincerity, diligence and hard work. weaving a beautiful wreath for her with our outstanding results. achieving confidence and joy for us, sending a thank and return for our parents, teachers and schools. i hope all of you can realize your goals in our joy international school.



