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发布时间:2024-01-24 19:02:01 热度:12


开头:1.agree or disagree: advertising aiming at children should be restricted. i disagree. it's fair to advertize to children even children are always said to be unable to distinguish between reality and fiction, between entertainment and advertising. a supposed consequence of advertising is that children are being persuaded to demand things that they don't need and to adopt consumerist values and attitudes in their formative years. however, it's up to the parents to determine what should and shouldn抰 be bought for their children. children need to know how to see these ads and realize how a certain product would affect them and thus balance out the pros and cons and see if it's in their best interest. in my opinion, the parents as well as the world need to stop babying children and let them learn lessons for life, because certain things can't be restricted well. temptation is always at children's side. they have to learn to resist and make responsible decisions.

结尾:i agree that junk food should be taxed. in modern society, many people are attracted to eat in kfc or macdonald's. everyday, many hamburgers, fried chips and so on are sold out. despite the good sale, it can't be denied that all these are junk food. just as the word junk, they bring great harm to our healthy. so, there comes a appeal that junk food should be taxed. in think it is enforceable because it will control the sale of junk food to a certain degree. firstly, the tax can force the manufacturer to decrease production and then there will be less junk food on market. also, we all know that junk food has very high profits. some trader many take extreme trick to cut down their cost and gain more profit. so, it's reasonable to tax them.


开头:升职演讲稿三分钟幽默范文1 大家好!我是来自**部的***。 此刻,站在那里代表本季度新晋人员发言,我深感荣幸,感谢大家的信任与支持。

结尾:多谢大家! 以上就是小编为大家整理的升职演讲稿三分钟幽默,想要了解更多优质的升职演讲稿三分钟幽默,请大家多多关注”“。


开头:同学们,老师们: 大家好! 自由,是人人所向往的。它能使人觉得身心轻松,心情愉快。没有老师的逼迫,没有家长的唠叨,没有作业的压力,没有试卷的束缚。我多么希望有这样的生活,自由自在,无拘无束,逍遥快活。没人会管我,没人会束缚我,没人会给我压力。自由,对于学生来说,是多么渴望得到又那么遥不可及。

结尾:学习看似非常简单,但实际上并非如此。我想给自己的心灵放假,让自己好好放松放松,我也想要自己,属于自己的自由。作为这个年龄段的我们,玩耍可能不再是我们的活动范围了,但是我们的心也需要休息,太多的学习该活动也是会像一座山似的压得我们喘不过气来。再加上有时成绩不好爸妈的训斥,这就更让我们的心情变得更加糟糕更加压抑,也找不到地方发泄,只想着好好学习,学好习,这样一来我们的心就会变得非常的累,已经不再是我们的承受范围之内了,真的好想给自己的心灵放个小假。 我想要自由,属于我自己的自由。 谢谢大家!


开头:英语演讲是英语交际的一种重要形式,想在讲台上用英语发言,需要怎么做呢?以下是小编整理了3分钟简单英语演讲稿,供你参考。 3分钟简单英语演讲稿篇1:learn how to say no

结尾:above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. if we can do all of the above, i am sure popularity will come our way.


开头:简短三分钟演讲稿精选(一) 大家好! 不要让昨日的沮丧令明天的梦想黯然失色! 在一次讨论会上,一位的演说家没讲一句开场白,手里却高举着一张20美元的钞票。

结尾:生命的价值不依赖我们的所作所为,也不仰仗我们结交的人物,而是取决于我们本身!我们是独特的——永远不要忘记这一点! 谢谢大家! 简短三分钟演讲稿精选(二)


开头:尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好,今天,我演讲的题目是---青春9 0 ,放飞梦想 90后,提起这个词儿呀,就会有无数的人想起这几个词汇:“很自我”、“赶潮流”、“不正经”、“假成熟”…… 90后真是这样的吗?我就是一名90后,我要自豪的向世人宣布:no,不,不是的!我们身上也有梦,青春的梦!

结尾:90后的活泼身影,是这个时代最美的一道风景!90后的世界,因为有梦想,所以才完整,所以才张扬!在蔚蓝的天空下,我们心中的梦, 飞得好高好高……因为我们是新时代的主人,我们是追梦的90后! 谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕! 关于梦想的演讲稿3分钟


开头:2到3分钟的演讲稿_三分钟的简短演讲稿 尊敬的老师、同学们: 大家好!首先,我想问大家,您爱读书吗?相信多数人都会给出肯定的答案。因为,我也爱读书。书籍——这一座智慧的殿堂,这一片思想的森林,这一片文明的沃野,包罗万象,藏珍蕴奇,怎能不使人心醉神迷,留连忘返?无论是朝霞灿烂的早晨,还是炊烟袅袅的黄昏;无论是月光如水的良宵,还是风雨大作的暗夜,打开书,我就忘记了一切悲伤与孤寂,心头充满了愉悦与宁静。从而,缀饮知识的琼浆慢慢成长。

结尾:可见,微笑有时候还能化干戈为玉帛。 每天你给别人一个真诚的微笑,别人也会给你一个微笑。 微笑能让别人对你所怀的顾虑在一瞬间消失;微笑能让你与别人的关系融洽;微笑是沟 通彼此心灵的无声语言。既然如此,那么,朋友,就请大方起来,请别吝啬你的微笑。 谢谢


开头:篇1:英语演讲稿3分钟关于梦想 my dream hello everyone! students, guests , teachers and honorable judges

结尾:years in our faces no matter how many additional traces, no matter how much things to us across the chest wounds, as long as we have the right to breathe, to have a passion for remodeling dreams! oxygen to survive as long as we have to have the courage to create a passion! choose to continue, select the value, select the achievements of the passion of life, the brave hearts of the initial dream of success!



