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发布时间:2024-01-17 17:14:02 热度:17



结尾:however, in current days,many of us spend most of the leisure time in playing games or surfing the internet,instead of reading. it's a pity to find it less and less our students are interesting in reading,or have formed a habit of reading.so,in order to revive reading,this beneficial activity,we'd better take action right now.let's read together,learn together and grow ! one is never too old to learn.no matter at what time we realize the importance of reading,we can enjoy it during the rest of our life and finally we will see that it is rewarding to do so.


开头:下面是xx小编为你精心编辑整理的3分钟英语演讲稿:milkman vs mailman,希望你能喜欢~ with the development of science and technology, change has penetrated into every aspect of our daily life. to illustrate that, i'd like to make a comparison of these two seemingly insignificant things: milkman and mailman, whose differences indicate our changing way of living with the times.



开头:love in high school is a very sensitive topic, the students in high school have come to the age of being mature, inside, they desire to love someone, but it is the awkward time. first, they need to focus their attention so that they can enter a better college, second, their parents are strongly objective to their love, the teachers even ban the love relationship between students. as a student, they have their own rights to love someone, the inner desire and the objection from parents and schools make them struggle to their emotions. in my opinion, high school students have so many pressure, they should put aside their love emotions for a while, they need to focus on the study, when high school time ends, they can choose their love. it is much easier, if you want to love at the time, then to love. no one will stop you.



开头:@appreciation of debate & negociation *speech of president clinton #克林顿总统的演讲 first, i'd like to thank the commission and my opponents for participating in these debates and making them possible. i think the real winners of the debates were the american people. i was especially moved in richmond a few days ago, when 209 of our fellow citizens got to ask us questions. they went a long way toward reclaiming this election for the american people and taking their country back. i want to say, since this is the last time, i'll be on platform with my opponents, that even though, i disagree with mr. perot on how fast we can reduce the deficit and how much we can increase taxes in the middle class, i really respect what he's done in this campaign to bring the issue of deficit reduction to our attention. i'd like to say that mr. bush even though i have got profound differences with him, i do honor his service to our country. i appreciate his efforts and i wish him well. i just believe it's time to change.

结尾:我要建立一个这样的国家,她的人民勤奋工作,按规则办事,能得到报酬,而不是得到惩罚。我也想建立这样一个国家,她的人民无论是什么种族、住在什么地区、收入多少都能和睦相处。我知道我们能搞得更好,那不需要奇迹,但那也不是一夜之间就可发生的事。只要我们有勇气改革,我们就能搞得更好。 我十分感谢各位!


开头:关于旅行的英语演讲稿 when holiday comes, thousands of people pour into the tourist sites, they want to relax themselves and enjoy the beautiful scenery. but chinese people have a bad habit, they like to leave some notes on the site, proving them have been here before. such a behavior has been criticized by the public, because the leaving note will damage the preservation of the tourist site. most of the tourist sites are part of our country’s historical relics, these sites are priceless, it is everyone’s duty to protect the sites. when we go to travel, we should behave ourselves. first, we need to have the idea that no rubbish being leaved behind when we leave the site. we should take away what we bring, keep the environment clean. second, no any notes being written in the sites. though in the old days, chinese workers like to leave their names on the sites, but now it is a new world, we need to behave ourselves.

结尾:第二,不在景点留下记号。虽然在古代,中国的文人喜欢留下他们的名字,但是现在是新时代,我们要规范自己的行为。 关于旅行的英语演讲稿,尽在酷猫写作范文网。


开头:kare anderson: be an opportunity maker 【ted】凯儿˙安德森: 给自己和别人带来希望与意外斩获-机会制造者 i grew up diagnosed as phobically shy,

结尾:thank you very much. 谢谢大家 thank you. 谢谢


开头:1.agree or disagree: advertising aiming at children should be restricted. i disagree. it's fair to advertize to children even children are always said to be unable to distinguish between reality and fiction, between entertainment and advertising. a supposed consequence of advertising is that children are being persuaded to demand things that they don't need and to adopt consumerist values and attitudes in their formative years. however, it's up to the parents to determine what should and shouldn抰 be bought for their children. children need to know how to see these ads and realize how a certain product would affect them and thus balance out the pros and cons and see if it's in their best interest. in my opinion, the parents as well as the world need to stop babying children and let them learn lessons for life, because certain things can't be restricted well. temptation is always at children's side. they have to learn to resist and make responsible decisions.

结尾:i agree that junk food should be taxed. in modern society, many people are attracted to eat in kfc or macdonald's. everyday, many hamburgers, fried chips and so on are sold out. despite the good sale, it can't be denied that all these are junk food. just as the word junk, they bring great harm to our healthy. so, there comes a appeal that junk food should be taxed. in think it is enforceable because it will control the sale of junk food to a certain degree. firstly, the tax can force the manufacturer to decrease production and then there will be less junk food on market. also, we all know that junk food has very high profits. some trader many take extreme trick to cut down their cost and gain more profit. so, it's reasonable to tax them.


开头:下面是晚会致词英语演讲稿,希望小编整理的对你有用,欢迎阅读: 晚会致词英语演讲稿 my fellow soldiers and students,

结尾:to end my speech, i would like to suggest a warm applause to the teachers and students on the stage. may the applause resemble the magnificent results of the cooperative establishment between us. may the applause bring happiness fruit of the cooperative establishment between us. at the same time may the teachers and students make greater progress in teaching and learning! and happy new year to all of you! thank you all!


开头:good afternoon, everyone! the topic of my speech today is “being a good listener”. good listening can always show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship.

结尾:what i want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk; show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile; be open-minded to different opinions even though you don’t like them. in a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other. thank you for your listening!


开头:needless to say, money is not very important, but very very important. if there is no money, i can’t use this microphone to speak to you and we can’t have such a room to hold such a competition. without money, we can’t study in such a schoolyard. without money, we can’t live in such a hometown. without money, we can’t have such a motherland. on the other hand, if there is no money, you don’t need to bear my speech about money now.

结尾:so, my fellow students, ladies and gentlemen in the future, ask not what we can do for money, ask what money can do for us, ask what money can do to show the brilliance of humanity. because, we have the future; we are the future. 大学生英语优秀演讲稿


开头:good morning, ladies and gentlemen, i’m very glad to make a speech here. today my topic is “i love you, china.” since the day i was born, i began to have a proud name—chinese. since the day i began to talk, the most beautiful sentence i’ve ever learnt has been “i love you, china!”

结尾:i love you, china, for i can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. last year, i got an opportunity to visit the united states of america. during my staying there, my father’s boss once invited my family to dinner. while at , he looked at me and asked: “little boy, how long have you been in america?” “about a month,” i answered, “how lucky you are!” he said, “if you were living in china, how could you learn such perfect english?” i smiled and told him proudly that all the students in china are able to learn english at school. i saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “i’m proud of you, china ”


开头:everytime i am asked what i want to do in the future. i think a minute and say being a doctor is my dream job. doctor is an other kind of artist who does human art by fighting with diseases and making people feel good. i think it is a pleasure to try my best to bring happiness to others. it is a feeling of pride and i am fond of it. in modern life, a mass of people work day and night to seek wealth and as a result they ignore their health. it is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life. i dreamed to be an excellent doctor who can help them have a right to enjoy life again. curing people is a doctor's holy responsibility.

结尾:医生是另一种艺术家,通过与疾病的斗争,使人们感觉良好,人类的艺术。我认为这是一种乐趣,尽我最大的努力给别人带来快乐。这是一种骄傲的感觉,我喜欢它。在现代生活中,大量的人为了追求财富而工作,因此他们忽视了他们的健康。它是已知的,强壮的身体是一种幸福的生活的基础。我梦想成为一个优秀的医生,可以帮助他们有权利享受生活。固化人是医生的神圣责任。 成为一名医生是我的梦想的工作,现在我应该努力学习,以获得更多的知识,以达到我的目标。 英语演讲稿


开头:well, we all need a reason to wake up. for me, it just took 11,000 volts. i know you're too polite to ask, so i will tell you. one night, sophomore year of college, just back from thanksgiving holiday, a few of my friends and i were horsing around, and we decided to climb atop a parked commuter train. it was just sitting there, with the wires that run overhead. somehow, that seemed like a great idea at the time. we'd certainly done stupider things. i scurried up the ladder on the back, and when i stood up, the electrical current entered my arm, blew down and out my feet, and that was that. would you believe that watch still works? takes a licking!

结尾:我们可以针对死亡做设计。 我的一部分很早以前就已经死了, 不管怎么说,事实就是这样。 但是我针对这个事实重新设计了我的人生, 当你意识到你在生命中 永远可以找到 美好的事物和有意义的事情时, 我可以告诉你们这是一种解放。 就像那个停留在完美的一瞬间的雪球, 同时一直在融化。 如果我们能够拼尽全力去爱那些片刻, 也许我们就能学会如何活得更加精彩—— 不是不顾死亡而活得精彩, 而是因为死亡而活得精彩。 可以让死亡夺走我们的生命, 但别让它带走我们的想象力。 谢谢


开头:in everyone's heart i cherish a belief encourages you to success. because only the faith, pull up to the giant large timber, can rise indifference of life, to bare a lot of soul, and in the long dark night hit also have the patience to look forward to the skylight. in the history of new york's first black governor; roger rawls is with a belief, successful, roger rawls was born in new york's infamous head big sand slums, children born there, few people get a decent career when i grew up, when he was in elementary school, his president pierre paul encouraged him and said, 'you are in the future, the governor of new york, rawls heard this believe it, and, from that day on, the governor of new york as a banner, in 40 years later, he is not a day but according to the requirements of the identity of the governor himself, 51 years old, he really became governor of new york, roger rawls is can with one day when the governor's faith that i go to the success. the sun always rises where there is faith, even the moon where there is faith always hazy, faith is eternal smile, make your heart full of passion, always make your eyes clear and bright forever. teacher is like a star, not as warm sun, the moon did not gentleness, not as dazzling sunrise, no white clouds so high, but never regrets, otherwise, always in an inconspicuous corner, giving the light and heat. college teacher's day speech, lit the fire of the mind: people alive always to have pursuit, worth living a meaningful, what is the value? what is the meaning? life is precious, dear in that others may live better; life is valuable, and the value of life is to make contributions to dear motherland. for this, i am persistent pursuit, the pursuit of faith hope can ignite the fire of the mind. when i was a child my lofty ideal, is when a good teacher, and the spiritual wealth of human creation by their own creative labor, seeding the students heart shape students beautiful heart. the purpose of our life, is not yao and enjoy, but in the spiritual enrichment and career success. no soldier who general rule; no level, who rule the captain; without division of labor in all walks of life, there is no country and nation. since i chose the teachers that road, will move forward unswervingly. in order to adhere to the belief, the realization of ideal, there is must be tireless efforts. teachers' knowledge of running water to irrigation for students. therefore, learning to the persistent pursuit, endeavour. learning its profoundly recognise their shallow and ignorant, so constantly self-flagellation, efforts to try again. road is people, no matter for the road ahead, or a trail, if there is no after twists pay hard work and sweat, there is no strong will, not ready to bear hardships spirit is won't have any achievement. i believe that my own chest that will be the burning flame.

结尾:在每个人的心灵深处都珍藏着一份信念鼓励你走向成功。因为只有了信念,才能拔起擎天的巨木,才能升腾冷漠的生命,才能*露许多灵魂,以及在长长的黑夜袭来时也有耐心期待天光。 美国纽约历的第一位黑人州长;罗杰罗尔斯就是凭着一个信念而成功的,罗杰罗尔斯出生在纽约声名狼藉的大沙头贫民窟,在那儿出生的孩子,长大以后很少有人获得较体面的职业,在他上小学时,他的校长皮尔保罗鼓励他说:“你将来是纽约州的州长,罗尔斯听了这话,相信了它,并且,从那天起,纽约州长就像一面旗帜,在以后的40多年间,他没有一天不按州长的身份要求自己,51岁那年,他真得成了纽约州长,罗杰罗尔斯就是凭着终有一天能当上州长的信念使自己走向了成功。 在我上学读书的时候起,看见老师站在讲台上给我们讲课,就开始觉得教师这一职业多么的令人向往,将来我要是能当一名教师那该多好啊。在中学毕业后,由于种种原因,我走进了宜昌市水利电力学校,曾一度后悔过,可后来,还是让我走上了这神圣的讲台,我难得的机会啊! 当我走向神圣的讲台,看着台下孩子们一双双求知的眼睛,我不由自主的产生了要当一名优秀教师的信念。在这个信念的支持下,我如饥似渴的学习,以满足一名优秀教师所需要的知识功底和教育教学功底。我参加了学历培训,拿到了我梦寐以求的大专文凭。为了适应新世纪的教育要求,我刻苦学习了计算机,现已能较为熟练的运用多种软件,并能制作一些简单的课件,以备必要时所用。在课改来临的今天,我又多次参加新的课标培训,接受新的教育理念,并用新的教育理念来指导我现实的教育教学工作,希望使自己能走在新课改的前列。 要想成为一名优秀的教师不仅要有较强的业务素质,更重要的是要有颗爱心。作为老师,在学校的身份是多重的,既是知识的引导者,又是学生的朋友,更要像慈爱的母亲那样去关心他们,因为在他们幼小的心里母爱是一缕阳光,让他的心灵即使在寒冷的冬天也能感到春天般的温暖,让他们的灵魂即使遇到电闪雷鸣依然仁厚宽广。在他们生病的时候,我会毫不犹豫的骑上车送他们去看医生。对待同学的错误时,我往往最先考虑的也是学生的自尊,以学生最能接受的方式来进行处理,对他们动之以情,晓之以理,让他们改正错误,走向成功。在我这颗爱心的浇灌下,终于得到了同学们的认可,在全校组织的”最满意教师“的评比活动中,全班64名学生都对我投上了最满意的一票。这使我倍感欣慰。 太阳总在有信念的地方升起,月亮也总在有信念的地方朦胧,信念是永恒的微笑,使你的心灵永远充满激情,使你的双眼永远清澈明亮。教师就像一颗星,没有太阳那样热烈,没有月亮那样温柔,没有朝霞那样眩目,没有白云那样高远,但从来无怨无悔,与世无争,总是在一个不显眼的角落里,奉献那份光和热。 大学生教师节演讲稿——点燃心灵之火:人活着总要有追求,活得有价值有意义,价值何在?意义何在?生命是可贵的,可贵在使别人活得更美好;生命是有价值的,生命的价值在于对亲爱的祖国作贡献。为此,我执着追求,追求信念希望能点燃心灵之火。 小时候的我的崇高理想,就是当一名优秀的教师,把人类创造的精神财富通过自己的创造性的劳动播撒到学生心中,塑造学生优美的心灵。 九七年八月二十七日那是一个难忘的日子这天在我脑海记忆中最为深刻。因为这天我背裹着希望来到了鸭子口乡,受到了领导和老师们热情欢迎和真诚宽待。 我们生活的目的,不在于耀和享受,而在于精神上的充实和事业上的成功。没有战士谁也当不了将军;没有水平,谁也当不了船长;没有各行各业的分工,就不存在国家和民族。我既然选择了教师这条路,就要坚定不移地走下去。 为了坚持信念,实现理想,就须孜孜不倦的努力。教师知识长流水,才能对学生灌溉。因此,学习上要执着追求,上下求索。不断的学习其深刻地认识到自己的浅薄与无知,故而不断地自我鞭策,努力努力再努力。 路是人走出来的,不管是康庄大道,还是羊肠小道,如果没有经过坎坷曲折付出的辛勤劳动和汗水,没有坚强的意志,没有准备吃苦的精神是不会有什么成就的。我相信,我自己胸膛的那团火焰定会熊熊燃烧。


开头:ladies and gentlemen. thank you for being here. my topic is 'how to lose weight.' so many of us are overweight.

结尾:you're gaining confidence as you add years to your life. now,go lose weight and feel graet! thank you all for listening. god bless you and have a good day.


开头:there is only one failure called never try what is success? different people have different ideas.you may say success is the realization of one's hopesand justified goals.under such notion,however,people have different understanding of success because the hopes and goals they cherish vary from one another.

结尾:i still remember the first time i sang a song at a party ,the first time talking to a foreign friends,the first time made a speech on the platform,etc.although at first they almost scared me to death,but when it was over,i feel it's worthing trying.there is a saying goes,'people often regret what they didn't do instead of what they have done.' forrest gump often says,'life is like a box of chacolate ,you never know what you are gonna get.' i would say if the chacolate you got is not your favourite.don't get upset but try the next.


开头:高中英语演讲稿范文 as everyone knows, english is very important today. it has been used everywhere in the world. it has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. if we can speak english well, we will have more chance to succeed. because more and more people have taken notice of it, the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a 你好gh speed.but for myself, i learn english not only because of its importance and its usefulness, but also because of my love for it. when i learn english, i can feel a different way of t你好nking w你好ch gives me more room to touch the world. when i read english novels, i can feel the pleasure from the book w你好ch is different from reading the translation. when i speak english, i can feel the confident from my words. when i write english, i can see the beauty w你好ch is not the same as our c你好nese...i love english, it gives me a colorful dream. i hope i can travel around the world one day. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different countries. i can see many places of great intrests. i dream that i can go to london, because it is the birth place of english.i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people, i hope that they can love our country like us.i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well.if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.i am sure that i will realize my dream one day!thank you!英语演讲稿范文ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. i hope you will like it, and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.first i want to ask you some questions:一、do you know what is youth?

结尾:!i have a dreamevery one has 你好s own dream. when i was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own .but now ,when i am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot.i have got quite different experience from other girls. w你好le they were playing toys at home, w你好le they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story .i was running in the hard rain, jumping in the heavy snow, pitc你好ng in the strong wind. not你好ng could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an athlete. yeah ,of course ,i'm an athlete, i'm so proud of that all the time .when i was 10 years old ,i became a shot-put athlete. the training was really hard ,i couldn't bear the heavy shot in my hands .but i always believe that 'god only help those who help themselves'. during those hard days, i find i was growing more quickly than others of the same age. to be an athlete is my most correct choice. but, i quit my team after entering 你好gh school because of a silly excuse. i really didn't want to stop my sports career anyway.today i say to you my friends that even though i must face the difficulties of yesterday ,today and tomorrow .i still have a dream .it is a dream deeply rooted in my soul.i have a dream that one day ,i can run, jump and pitch just like i used to be.i have a dream that one day , i can go back to my dream sports and join the national team.i have a dream that one day ,i can stand on the 你好ghest place at the olympicgames. with all the cameras pointing at me. i will tell everyone that i'm so proud to be a c你好nese athlete!t你好s is my hope .t你好s is the faith that i continue my steps with!!!with t你好s faith ,i will live though the strong wind and heavy rain ,never give up !so let victory ring from my heart, from all of you. when we allow victory to ring .i must be the one!in my imagination, i'm a bird ,a magical bird. i carry my dreams all with me by my big wings. i fly though the mountains ,though the forests ,over the sea, to the sun ,the warmest place in the aerospace!every night ,i have a dream ,i see a girl ---smiling~


开头:本文是由编辑为您准备的英语演讲稿:和谐社会,请大家参考! 英语演讲稿:和谐社会 coming to the yale campus, with its distinctive(distinctive有特色的,特殊的 distinctive features 特点 soldiers often have distinctive insignias on their lapels. 士兵的翻领上常佩有特殊的军阶识别符号。) academic flavor, and looking at the eager young faces in the audience, i cannot but recall my great experience studying at qinghua university in beijing 40 years ago. indeed, what happens during one s school year will influence his whole life. i still benefit greatly from the instruction and my interaction with other students. yale is renowned for its long history, unique way of teaching and excellence in academic pursuit. if time could go back several decades, i would really like to be a student of yale just like you. yale s motto “light and truth,” which is a calling for human progress, represents the aspiration of every motivated young man and woman. over the past three centuries, yale has produced a galaxy of outstanding figures, including 20 nobel laureates and five american presidents. the words of nathan hale, an american hero and yale alumnus(alumnus kk: [ ] dj: [ ] n 1. 主美男校友;男女合校之男女校友 ), “i only regret that i have but one life to lose for my country,” have also inspired me and many other chinese. i sincerely hope that yale will produce more talent and contribute further to the social and economic development of the united states and the cause of human progress. ladies and gentlemen, dear friends. the chinese and americans have always had an intense(intense kk: [ ] dj: [ ] a. 1. 强烈的,剧烈的;极度的 the fracture caused him intense pain. 骨折给他造成了剧烈的疼痛。2. 热情的;热切的 the candidate has many intense supporters. 这位候选人有许多热烈的支持者 intensive kk: [ ] dj: [ ]a. 1. 加强的;密集的 an intensive bombardment 密集轰炸 2. 精深的;透彻的 an intensive course in english 英语精读课程 3. 特别护理的 intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill. 医院对危重病人作特别护理。4. 集约栽培的;精耕细作的 intensive farming 集约农业 1. characterized by a high degree or intensity; often used as a combining form 2. tending to give force or emphasis 3. of agriculture; intended to increase productivity of a fixed area by expending more capital and labor。 intense: very great; very strong especially in quality or feeling; extreme. 强烈的 intensive:giving a lot of attention or action to a small amount of sth. like many couples, they have enjoyed a drop in prices for a variety of items they have bought in recent weeks -- thanks to a slow economy and intense competition.和其他夫妇一样, 近几个星期他们俩购买了许多价格低廉的物品, 这应该感谢市场的疲软和竞争的激烈。intense pain can mean serious damage. 有剧痛说明伤得很重。i cannot stand the intense heat here. 我受不了这里的酷热。比较:intense 和 intensive 的意思在相当程度上是交叉的, 但是它们经常有细微的差别。当用来描述人的感情或活动时,intense 通常指由内在倾向而来的力量或专心, 它特别适于用来描写感情状态:intense pleasure, dislike, loyalty, and so forth. intensive 极度的快乐,极为厌恶,非常忠诚等等。intensive 更常用于指行为的强度和程度是由外部强加的:intensive bombing, training, marketing. 强烈的爆炸,强烈的训练,紧张的营销。 因此mark's intense study of german 指马克自己对集中的行为负责, 而mark's intensive study of german 意味着马克的学习计划是打算在短时间内涉猎大量内容 ) interest in and cared deeply about each other. the chinese admire the pioneering and enterprising (enterprising 1. 有事业心的;富进取心的;有魄力的 it's very enterprising of them to start up a business like that. 他们那样去开创生意是很有魄力的。 phil is an enterprising cook. 菲尔是个有进取心的厨师)spirit of the americans and their proud achievement in national development. as china develops rapidly and steady headway is made in china-u.s. cooperation, more and more americans are following with great interest china s progress and development. understanding leads to trust. today, i would like to speak to you about china s development strategy and its future against the backdrop(背景) of the evolution of the chinese civilization and china s current development endeavor(努力,尽力[c][+to-v]his endeavors to get the bill passed failed. 他想使议案通过的努力失败了。). i hope this will help you gain a better understanding of china. in a history that spans more than five millennia, the chinese nation has contributed significantly to the progress of human civilization. but its course of national development has been an arduous(arduous kk: [ ] dj: [ ]a.1. 艰巨的;费力的;困难的it must have been a very arduous task to build the pyramids.当时建造金字塔肯定是件万分艰巨的事。2. 努力的;使劲的he made an arduous effort to keep up with the rest of the class.他努力跟上班上其他同学。3. 陡峭的,难攀登的an arduous hill 陡峭的山) one. in particular in the 160 years and more since the opium war in 1840, the chinese people have fought courageously and unyieldingly to rid themselves of poverty and backwardness(n. 落后(状态)) and to realize national rejuvenation(kk: [ ] dj: [ ] n.1. 返老还童;回春), thus profoundly changing the destiny of the chinese nation. ninety-five years ago, the chinese people launched the revolution of 1911 that overthrew(*;*;废除fascism had lawlessly overthrown the democratic government.法西斯非法*了民主政府) the feudal autocracy which had ruled china for several thousand years and opened the door to china s progress. fifty-seven years ago, the chinese people succeeded in winning liberation after protracted and hard struggle and founded new china in which people became their own masters. twenty-eight years ago, the chinese people embarked(embark kk: [ ]dj: [ ]vi.1. 上船(或飞机等)we embarked on a cruiser.我们登上一艘游艇。2. 从事,着手[(+on/in/upon)]they embarked on a campaign to get people to vote.他们展开一场动员人们投票的运动。vt.1. 使上船(或飞机等);装载 the ship embarked passengers and cargo. 那艘船载上乘客,装上货物。2. 使从事,使着于[h] we are already embarked on a new course.我们已开始踏上一条新的道路。3. 投(资) he embarked his fortune in trade.他把财产投资做生意。) upon the historic drive of reform, opening-up and modernization and have made phenomenal(1. 现象的 2. 能知觉的 3. 异常的;杰出的;惊人的 'we knew it would be a bestseller, but even the original didn't sell this well at the start. by our estimates, we've already sold somewhere in the neighborhood of500, 000 copies. it's just phenomenal.' ) progress through unremitting(remit kk: [ ] dj: [ ] vt. 1. 宽恕;赦免the prisoner's sentence cannot be remitted. 不能免除这个犯人的徒刑。2. 豁免(捐税等),免除(处罚) the taxes have been remitted. 税已被免去。3. 缓和;减轻,减退;使松懈 she remitted her efforts after the mid-term test. 她在期中考试以后放松了努力。 4. 提交,移交(问题等)[(+to)] you will have to remit this problem to a higher authority. 你得把这个问题提交给上一级。 5. 传送;汇寄[(+to)] i promised to remit the balance by the weekend. 我答应周末前将余款汇去。6. 使恢复原状[(+into/to)] 7. 推延[(+to/till)] vi. 1. 缓和;减轻 2. 汇款 please remit promptly by money order. 请速将款项用汇票汇来。) efforts. between 1978 and xx, china s gdp grew from $147.3 billion to $2.2257 trillion. its import and export volume went up from $20.6 billion to $1.4221 trillion and its foreign exchange reserve soared from $167 million to $818.9 billion. during this period, the number of its poor rural population dropped from 250 million to 23 million. the above review of the profound changes in these 160 years shows one thing, namely, by carrying out persistent and hard struggle, the chinese people have both changed their own destiny and advanced the cause of human progress. on the other hand, i need to point out that, despite the success in its development, china remains the world s largest developing country, with per capita gdp ranking behind the 100th place. the chinese people are yet to live a well-off life and china still faces daunting ([ d?:nti? ] a. 令人畏惧的 the prospect of meeting the president is quite daunting. 一想到要会见总统就足以令人心悸. their guide deserted them, but nothing daunted, they pressed on into the jungle. 向导离他们而去,但是他们毫不气馁,仍向森林进发。)challenges in its development endeavor. therefore it requires sustained and unremitting efforts to transform the country and make life better for its people. in the next 15 years, we will strive to make new progress in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way that will benefit china s one billion and more population. we aim to raise china s gdp to $4 trillion by 2023, averaging $3,000 per person. by then, china s economy will be better developed and its democracy will be further enhanced. more progress will be made in science and education. its culture will be further enriched, the society will become more harmonious and the people will lead a better life. to realize these goals, china has adopted a new concept of development in line with its national conditions and the requirement of the times. that is, to pursue a scientific outlook on development that makes economic and social development people-oriented, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable. we will work to strike a proper balance between urban and rural development, development among regions, economic and social development, development of man and nature, and domestic development and opening wider to the outside world. greater emphasis will be put on addressing issues affecting people s livelihood, overcoming imbalances in development and resolving key problems that have occurred in the course of development. we will pursue a new path to industrialization featuring high technology, good economic returns, low resource-consumption, low environment pollution and full use of human resources. we will bring about coordinated economic, political, cultural and social development. and we will endeavor to ensure sustainable development by boosting production, improving people s life and protecting the environment. this concept of scientific development is based on the experience china has gained in its modernization drive and put forth in response to the trends of the times. it is also rooted in the cultural heritages of the chinese nation. the chinese civilization is one that has continued uninterrupted for more than 5,000 years. the distinct cultural tradition of the chinese nation that developed in the long course of history has exerted(用(力),尽(力) he has exerted all his strength. 他已竭尽全力。 2. 运用,行使;发挥;施加 he's been exerting his influence on his friend to change his decision.他一直在影响他的朋友改变决定her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to succeed.) a strong influence on contemporary china, just as it did on ancient china. putting people first, keeping pace with the times, maintaining social harmony and pursuing peaceful development: these values that are being pursued in china today are derived from its tradition. but they also give expression to(表达出;体现出at last he found a proper way to give expression to his gratitude.) the progress of the times. the chinese civilization has always given prominence to the people and respect for people s dignity and value. centuries ago, the chinese already pointed out that “people are the foundation of a country; when the foundation is stable, the country is in peace.” nothing is more valuable in the universe than human beings. the ancient chinese emphasized the value of serving the people, enriching them, nourishing them, and benefiting them. we are pursuing today a people-oriented approach toward development because we believe that development must be for the people and by the people and its benefit should be shared among the people. we care about people s value, rights and interests and freedom, the quality of their life, and their development potential and happiness index because our goal is to realize the all-around development of the people. ensuring the right to survival and development remains china s top priority. we will vigorously (精力充沛的,元气旺盛的,有力的 he never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth. ad. 有力地he shook hands with me vigorously and smiled a welcome.)promote social and economic development, protect people s freedom, democracy and human rights according to law, achieve social fairness and justice and enable the 1.3 billion chinese people to live a happy life. the chinese civilization has always given prominence to unremitting self-improvement, reform and innovation. as an ancient chinese motto puts it, “as heaven keeps vigor(活力,精力he was noted for his vigor. 他以精力充沛而出名。he flung himself into his work with renewed vigor. 他又精神抖擞地投入自己的工作。) through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement.” throughout its 5,000-year history, it is thanks to their perseverance, determination, stamina(stamina: [ 'stæmin? ] n. 精力,活力1. he doesn't have the stamina to be a teacher. 他没有当教师的精力. 2. marathon runners need plenty of stamina. 参加马拉松长跑要有耐力.3. the husky is unequalled for stamina and endurance. 爱斯基摩狗的体力和耐性是无双的. ) and innovation that the chinese nation has grown after surviving numerous setbacks(顿挫,挫折,退步ah well, i suppose there's nothing like an occasional setback to make you realize how lucky you really are. 唉,我看什么都不如偶尔受点挫折更能使你明白你是多么的幸运了。) and adversity. the chinese people have shown enterprising spirit and reform and opening-up creativity in national development and great tenacity([ ti'næsiti ] n. 固执,不屈不挠,顽固) in overcoming difficulties on the road to progress. and all this gives expression to the spirit of unremitting self-improvement embodied in china s cultural tradition. the chinese civilization has always given prominence to social harmony, unity and mutual assistance. back in the early days of the chinese nation, the chinese already advocated that “harmony is most valuable.” they strove for harmony between man and nature, among people and between man s body and soul, and yearned for an ideal society where “everyone loves everyone else, everyone is equal and the whole world is one community.” today, china is endeavoring to build a harmonious society. it is a society of democracy and rule of law, fairness and justice, integrity, fraternity(fraternity: [ fr?'t?:niti ] n. 友爱,互助会,兄弟会 he is a member of the medical fraternity. 他在医务界工作。a person who has been accepted for membership in a fraternity or similar organization and has promised to join but has not yet been initiated. 立誓入会的人已经被兄弟会或类似的组织接受为会员而且立誓加入,但仍尚未入会的人), vitality(vitality: [ vai'tæliti ] n. 活力,生命力 名词复数:vitalities 1. the vitality of the movement is threatened. 这个运动的生命力岌岌可危。2. the ballet sparkled with vitality. 那场芭蕾舞演得生动活泼。 3. she is full of youth and vitality. 她充满了青春和活力. ), stability, order and harmony between man and nature. it is a society where there is unity between the material and the spirit, democracy and rule of law, fairness and efficiency, and vitality and order. the chinese people takes [sic] the maintenance of ethnic unity and harmony as their bounden duty and the defense of the country s sovereignty(sovereignty: [ 's?vrinti ] n. 主权,独立国 名词复数:sovereignties 1. the sovereignty of these islands is in dispute. 这些岛屿的主权有争执。 2. an australian-administered island in the eastern indian ocean south of java. it was annexed by great britain in1888 and came under australian sovereignty in1958. 圣诞岛爪哇岛南部印度洋东部的一座岛屿,由澳大利亚管辖。在1888年由英国吞并,1958年主权归澳大利亚 3. the position, authority, or jurisdiction of a prince; sovereignty. 主权,统治权王子或王侯的地位、权力或司法权;主权 4. the territory, jurisdiction, sovereignty, rank, or estate of a prince. 小国君主的权位王子(或诸侯、亲王、小国君主)的领地、管辖权、权位、地位或财产) and territorial integrity their sacred mission. any act that promoted ethnic harmony and national unity will receive the warm welcome and support of the chinese people. on the other hand, any act that undermines china s ethnic harmony and national unity will meet their strong opposition and resistance.

结尾:coming to the yale campus, with its distinctive(distinctive有特色的,特殊的 distinctive features 特点 soldiers often have distinctive insignias on their lapels. 士兵的翻领上常佩有特殊的军阶识别符号。) academic flavor, and looking at the eager young faces in the audience, i cannot but recall my great experience studying at qinghua university in beijing 40 years ago. indeed, what happens during one s school year will influence his whole life. i still benefit greatly from the instruction and my interaction with other students. yale is renowned for its long history, unique way of teaching and excellence in academic pursuit. if time could go back several decades, i would really like to be a student of yale just like you. yale s motto “light and truth,” which is a calling for human progress, represents the aspiration of every motivated young man and woman. over the past three centuries, yale has produced a galaxy of outstanding figures, including 20 nobel laureates and five american presidents. the words of nathan hale, an american hero and yale alumnus(alumnus kk: [ ] dj: [ ] n 1. 主美男校友;男女合校之男女校友 ), “i only regret that i have but one life to lose for my country,” have also inspired me and many other chinese. i sincerely hope that yale will produce more talent and contribute further to the social and economic development of the united states and the cause of human progress. ladies and gentlemen, dear friends. the chinese and americans have always had an intense(intense kk: [ ] dj: [ ] a. 1. 强烈的,剧烈的;极度的 the fracture caused him intense pain. 骨折给他造成了剧烈的疼痛。2. 热情的;热切的 the candidate has many intense supporters. 这位候选人有许多热烈的支持者 intensive kk: [ ] dj: [ ]a. 1. 加强的;密集的 an intensive bombardment 密集轰炸 2. 精深的;透彻的 an intensive course in english 英语精读课程 3. 特别护理的 intensive care in hospitals is given to the seriously ill. 医院对危重病人作特别护理。4. 集约栽培的;精耕细作的 intensive farming 集约农业 1. characterized by a high degree or intensity; often used as a combining form 2. tending to give force or emphasis 3. of agriculture; intended to increase productivity of a fixed area by expending more capital and labor。 intense: very great; very strong especially in quality or feeling; extreme. 强烈的 intensive:giving a lot of attention or action to a small amount of sth. like many couples, they have enjoyed a drop in prices for a variety of items they have bought in recent weeks -- thanks to a slow economy and intense competition.和其他夫妇一样, 近几个星期他们俩购买了许多价格低廉的物品, 这应该感谢市场的疲软和竞争的激烈。intense pain can mean serious damage. 有剧痛说明伤得很重。i cannot stand the intense heat here. 我受不了这里的酷热。比较:intense 和 intensive 的意思在相当程度上是交叉的, 但是它们经常有细微的差别。当用来描述人的感情或活动时,intense 通常指由内在倾向而来的力量或专心, 它特别适于用来描写感情状态:intense pleasure, dislike, loyalty, and so forth. intensive 极度的快乐,极为厌恶,非常忠诚等等。intensive 更常用于指行为的强度和程度是由外部强加的:intensive bombing, training, marketing. 强烈的爆炸,强烈的训练,紧张的营销。 因此mark's intense study of german 指马克自己对集中的行为负责, 而mark's intensive study of german 意味着马克的学习计划是打算在短时间内涉猎大量内容 ) interest in and cared deeply about each other. the chinese admire the pioneering and enterprising (enterprising 1. 有事业心的;富进取心的;有魄力的 it's very enterprising of them to start up a business like that. 他们那样去开创生意是很有魄力的。 phil is an enterprising cook. 菲尔是个有进取心的厨师)spirit of the americans and their proud achievement in national development. as china develops rapidly and steady headway is made in china-u.s. cooperation, more and more americans are following with great interest china s progress and development. understanding leads to trust. today, i would like to speak to you about china s development strategy and its future against the backdrop(背景) of the evolution of the chinese civilization and china s current development endeavor(努力,尽力[c][+to-v]his endeavors to get the bill passed failed. 他想使议案通过的努力失败了。). i hope this will help you gain a better understanding of china. in a history that spans more than five millennia, the chinese nation has contributed significantly to the progress of human civilization. but its course of national development has been an arduous(arduous kk: [ ] dj: [ ]a.1. 艰巨的;费力的;困难的it must have been a very arduous task to build the pyramids.当时建造金字塔肯定是件万分艰巨的事。2. 努力的;使劲的he made an arduous effort to keep up with the rest of the class.他努力跟上班上其他同学。3. 陡峭的,难攀登的an arduous hill 陡峭的山) one. in particular in the 160 years and more since the opium war in 1840, the chinese people have fought courageously and unyieldingly to rid themselves of poverty and backwardness(n. 落后(状态)) and to realize national rejuvenation(kk: [ ] dj: [ ] n.1. 返老还童;回春), thus profoundly changing the destiny of the chinese nation. ninety-five years ago, the chinese people launched the revolution of 1911 that overthrew(*;*;废除fascism had lawlessly overthrown the democratic government.法西斯非法*了民主政府) the feudal autocracy which had ruled china for several thousand years and opened the door to china s progress. fifty-seven years ago, the chinese people succeeded in winning liberation after protracted and hard struggle and founded new china in which people became their own masters. twenty-eight years ago, the chinese people embarked(embark kk: [ ]dj: [ ]vi.1. 上船(或飞机等)we embarked on a cruiser.我们登上一艘游艇。2. 从事,着手[(+on/in/upon)]they embarked on a campaign to get people to vote.他们展开一场动员人们投票的运动。vt.1. 使上船(或飞机等);装载 the ship embarked passengers and cargo. 那艘船载上乘客,装上货物。2. 使从事,使着于[h] we are already embarked on a new course.我们已开始踏上一条新的道路。3. 投(资) he embarked his fortune in trade.他把财产投资做生意。) upon the historic drive of reform, opening-up and modernization and have made phenomenal(1. 现象的 2. 能知觉的 3. 异常的;杰出的;惊人的 'we knew it would be a bestseller, but even the original didn't sell this well at the start. by our estimates, we've already sold somewhere in the neighborhood of500, 000 copies. it's just phenomenal.' ) progress through unremitting(remit kk: [ ] dj: [ ] vt. 1. 宽恕;赦免the prisoner's sentence cannot be remitted. 不能免除这个犯人的徒刑。2. 豁免(捐税等),免除(处罚) the taxes have been remitted. 税已被免去。3. 缓和;减轻,减退;使松懈 she remitted her efforts after the mid-term test. 她在期中考试以后放松了努力。 4. 提交,移交(问题等)[(+to)] you will have to remit this problem to a higher authority. 你得把这个问题提交给上一级。 5. 传送;汇寄[(+to)] i promised to remit the balance by the weekend. 我答应周末前将余款汇去。6. 使恢复原状[(+into/to)] 7. 推延[(+to/till)] vi. 1. 缓和;减轻 2. 汇款 please remit promptly by money order. 请速将款项用汇票汇来。) efforts. between 1978 and xx, china s gdp grew from $147.3 billion to $2.2257 trillion. its import and export volume went up from $20.6 billion to $1.4221 trillion and its foreign exchange reserve soared from $167 million to $818.9 billion. during this period, the number of its poor rural population dropped from 250 million to 23 million. the above review of the profound changes in these 160 years shows one thing, namely, by carrying out persistent and hard struggle, the chinese people have both changed their own destiny and advanced the cause of human progress. on the other hand, i need to point out that, despite the success in its development, china remains the world s largest developing country, with per capita gdp ranking behind the 100th place. the chinese people are yet to live a well-off life and china still faces daunting ([ d?:nti? ] a. 令人畏惧的 the prospect of meeting the president is quite daunting. 一想到要会见总统就足以令人心悸. their guide deserted them, but nothing daunted, they pressed on into the jungle. 向导离他们而去,但是他们毫不气馁,仍向森林进发。)challenges in its development endeavor. therefore it requires sustained and unremitting efforts to transform the country and make life better for its people. in the next 15 years, we will strive to make new progress in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way that will benefit china s one billion and more population. we aim to raise china s gdp to $4 trillion by 2023, averaging $3,000 per person. by then, china s economy will be better developed and its democracy will be further enhanced. more progress will be made in science and education. its culture will be further enriched, the society will become more harmonious and the people will lead a better life. to realize these goals, china has adopted a new concept of development in line with its national conditions and the requirement of the times. that is, to pursue a scientific outlook on development that makes economic and social development people-oriented, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable. we will work to strike a proper balance between urban and rural development, development among regions, economic and social development, development of man and nature, and domestic development and opening wider to the outside world. greater emphasis will be put on addressing issues affecting people s livelihood, overcoming imbalances in development and resolving key problems that have occurred in the course of development. we will pursue a new path to industrialization featuring high technology, good economic returns, low resource-consumption, low environment pollution and full use of human resources. we will bring about coordinated economic, political, cultural and social development. and we will endeavor to ensure sustainable development by boosting production, improving people s life and protecting the environment. this concept of scientific development is based on the experience china has gained in its modernization drive and put forth in response to the trends of the times. it is also rooted in the cultural heritages of the chinese nation. the chinese civilization is one that has continued uninterrupted for more than 5,000 years. the distinct cultural tradition of the chinese nation that developed in the long course of history has exerted(用(力),尽(力) he has exerted all his strength. 他已竭尽全力。 2. 运用,行使;发挥;施加 he's been exerting his influence on his friend to change his decision.他一直在影响他的朋友改变决定her husband exerted a lot of pressure on her to succeed.) a strong influence on contemporary china, just as it did on ancient china. putting people first, keeping pace with the times, maintaining social harmony and pursuing peaceful development: these values that are being pursued in china today are derived from its tradition. but they also give expression to(表达出;体现出at last he found a proper way to give expression to his gratitude.) the progress of the times. the chinese civilization has always given prominence to the people and respect for people s dignity and value. centuries ago, the chinese already pointed out that “people are the foundation of a country; when the foundation is stable, the country is in peace.” nothing is more valuable in the universe than human beings. the ancient chinese emphasized the value of serving the people, enriching them, nourishing them, and benefiting them. we are pursuing today a people-oriented approach toward development because we believe that development must be for the people and by the people and its benefit should be shared among the people. we care about people s value, rights and interests and freedom, the quality of their life, and their development potential and happiness index because our goal is to realize the all-around development of the people. ensuring the right to survival and development remains china s top priority. we will vigorously (精力充沛的,元气旺盛的,有力的 he never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth. ad. 有力地he shook hands with me vigorously and smiled a welcome.)promote social and economic development, protect people s freedom, democracy and human rights according to law, achieve social fairness and justice and enable the 1.3 billion chinese people to live a happy life. the chinese civilization has always given prominence to unremitting self-improvement, reform and innovation. as an ancient chinese motto puts it, “as heaven keeps vigor(活力,精力he was noted for his vigor. 他以精力充沛而出名。he flung himself into his work with renewed vigor. 他又精神抖擞地投入自己的工作。) through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement.” throughout its 5,000-year history, it is thanks to their perseverance, determination, stamina(stamina: [ 'stæmin? ] n. 精力,活力1. he doesn't have the stamina to be a teacher. 他没有当教师的精力. 2. marathon runners need plenty of stamina. 参加马拉松长跑要有耐力.3. the husky is unequalled for stamina and endurance. 爱斯基摩狗的体力和耐性是无双的. ) and innovation that the chinese nation has grown after surviving numerous setbacks(顿挫,挫折,退步ah well, i suppose there's nothing like an occasional setback to make you realize how lucky you really are. 唉,我看什么都不如偶尔受点挫折更能使你明白你是多么的幸运了。) and adversity. the chinese people have shown enterprising spirit and reform and opening-up creativity in national development and great tenacity([ ti'næsiti ] n. 固执,不屈不挠,顽固) in overcoming difficulties on the road to progress. and all this gives expression to the spirit of unremitting self-improvement embodied in china s cultural tradition. the chinese civilization has always given prominence to social harmony, unity and mutual assistance. back in the early days of the chinese nation, the chinese already advocated that “harmony is most valuable.” they strove for harmony between man and nature, among people and between man s body and soul, and yearned for an ideal society where “everyone loves everyone else, everyone is equal and the whole world is one community.” today, china is endeavoring to build a harmonious society. it is a society of democracy and rule of law, fairness and justice, integrity, fraternity(fraternity: [ fr?'t?:niti ] n. 友爱,互助会,兄弟会 he is a member of the medical fraternity. 他在医务界工作。a person who has been accepted for membership in a fraternity or similar organization and has promised to join but has not yet been initiated. 立誓入会的人已经被兄弟会或类似的组织接受为会员而且立誓加入,但仍尚未入会的人), vitality(vitality: [ vai'tæliti ] n. 活力,生命力 名词复数:vitalities 1. the vitality of the movement is threatened. 这个运动的生命力岌岌可危。2. the ballet sparkled with vitality. 那场芭蕾舞演得生动活泼。 3. she is full of youth and vitality. 她充满了青春和活力. ), stability, order and harmony between man and nature. it is a society where there is unity between the material and the spirit, democracy and rule of law, fairness and efficiency, and vitality and order. the chinese people takes [sic] the maintenance of ethnic unity and harmony as their bounden duty and the defense of the country s sovereignty(sovereignty: [ 's?vrinti ] n. 主权,独立国 名词复数:sovereignties 1. the sovereignty of these islands is in dispute. 这些岛屿的主权有争执。 2. an australian-administered island in the eastern indian ocean south of java. it was annexed by great britain in1888 and came under australian sovereignty in1958. 圣诞岛爪哇岛南部印度洋东部的一座岛屿,由澳大利亚管辖。在1888年由英国吞并,1958年主权归澳大利亚 3. the position, authority, or jurisdiction of a prince; sovereignty. 主权,统治权王子或王侯的地位、权力或司法权;主权 4. the territory, jurisdiction, sovereignty, rank, or estate of a prince. 小国君主的权位王子(或诸侯、亲王、小国君主)的领地、管辖权、权位、地位或财产) and territorial integrity their sacred mission. any act that promoted ethnic harmony and national unity will receive the warm welcome and support of the chinese people. on the other hand, any act that undermines china s ethnic harmony and national unity will meet their strong opposition and resistance.


开头:本文是由小编为大家提供的初中英语演讲稿,欢迎阅读: 初中英语演讲稿:我参加决赛的目的 my purpose of being here

结尾:我一直被一个问题所捆饶:是否新疆学生真的不具有学习英语的天赋。我偶然听到:许多人认为新疆是一个有着许多低教育水平的人的贫瘠的地域。他们不相信新疆学生可以做的和大城市如北京或上海的学生一样出色。更糟糕的是,曾经有人问我你是否骑骆驼上学,是否上英语课。当时我非常气愤且不知道他们怎么会问出这样的问题。后来,我意识到他们看不起新疆的教育和经济水平。所以我参加决赛的目的正是改变他们的这一看法。在我观点,不管你在哪学习,最重要的因素是你本身。事情是由你的态度而决定。我想说我不是来为我自己获得奖励,而是为我的家乡赢得荣誉。我将让你们知道新疆学生的能力,我将展现给你们,在座的各位以及全国的观众们。新疆学生的确具有获得冠军的能力!理所应当,我想要为自己赢得奖励,因为我爱自己,但更重要的是,我爱我的家乡。 谢谢。


开头:关于2017毕业生英语毕业演讲稿范文 i take with me the memory of friday afternoon acm happy hours, known not for kegs of beer, but rather bowls of rainbow sherbet punch. over the several years that i attended these happy hours they enjoyed varying degrees of popularity, often proportional to the quality and quantity of the accompanying refreshments - but there was always the rainbow sherbert punch.

结尾:my uncle ordered popovers from the restaurants bill of fare. and when they were served, he regarded them with a penetrating stare . . . then he spoke great words of wisdom as he sat there on that chair: 'to eat these things,' said my uncle, 'you must excercise great care. you may swallow down whats solid . . . but . . . you must spit out the air!' and . . . as you partake of the worlds bill of fare, thats darned good advice to follow. do a lot of spitting out the hot air. and be careful what you swallow. thank you.



