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发布时间:2024-02-17 18:28:19 热度:41


开头:初中课前三分钟的演讲稿1 亲爱的同学们: 我给大家讲一个关于“希望的种子”的故事。 在列宁格勒市中心,有一个科学研究所。研究所里建有一个巨大的仓库,这里保存各种粮食种子。


开头:hello,everyone my name is xxx. let me tell you something about me. i am xx,and i am a student in xx.i think that i'm outgoing and funny,so i also think i'm populer at school.


开头:初中英语演讲稿: everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .


开头:as you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day! and most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! you know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed! and you are confident, you are passionate, you are committed!


开头:good morning/afternoon, dear teachers and my friends. i’m a student from no.2 middle school of qugou. my name is zhao bingjie. i’m very glad to stand here to make a short speech for you. today my speech topic is “embrace the dream”.


开头:初中英语演讲稿3分钟一 it is undeniable that the worsening environment has become the biggest concern of the present-day world. land resources are dwindling because of water loss and soil erosion. waste gases poison the air we breathe. the rivers and lakes are polluted by waste dumped in them from factories. it is probably no exaggeration to say that deterioration of the quality of the environment threatens the existence of mankind itself.


开头:各位评委、各位同学: 我今天演讲的题目是'让民族精神走进心灵'。 有人说,民族精神如一缕春风,像寒冷时母亲给儿女们送来的温暖;有人说,民族精神是一泓清泉,像酷热时母亲为儿女们扇出的凉风。


开头:change want me to be safe to i want to be safe i have read this report, a domestic company asked a representative of the united states to conduct on-the-spot guidance. the representative of the united states has stood strong when he entered location. he said:” all visitors to the site must wear safety helmet, i wear a helmet for my own safety.” after reading this story, i could not help applauding for his safety awareness.


开头:初中生励志故事演讲稿 同学们,在这个世界上,在成功者的队伍里面,很多人并不见得很聪明,在失败者的队伍里面很多人并不见得愚笨。其实,有一样东西比聪明的脑袋更重要,那就是人的心灵和意志,一个人的贫穷很大的程度是心灵的贫穷,一个人的成功很大程度是意志的成功!


开头:初中生英语演讲稿3分钟一 good evening, ladies and gentlemen i’m very glad to be here for this english speech contest.first of all,please let me introduce myself.


开头:初中课前三分钟演讲稿一 微笑是每一个人最富有魅力的肢体语言。 它代表着愉悦,善意,友好,接受等一切积极乐观的精神。它是一门极具魅力的人生哲学。


开头:初中生三分钟演讲稿范文:学会感恩 诗人说:花朵把春天的门推开了。我说:感恩把和谐的门推开了,和谐把生活的门推开了。只要你用心去听花开的声音,生活到处都是和谐的乐章。


开头:love my homeland, because i love her beautiful landscape. look, that mr. laoshe daxinganling described the boundless expanse of blue water, not only could not finish going, but also not object to watch, she brought up the number of rare birds and animals, and the number of literary production. it is no wonder that mr. lao said she did not empty the united states, but became one of the concrete construction of the united states.




开头:初中生青春励志演讲稿一 各位老师,评委,同学: 大家好,今天有幸站在这个演讲台上……


开头:一天晚上,一棵被路边的尾气熏得受不了的小白杨想搬个家,可是,搬到哪呢?于是,它就想:生活在河边的柳树大树生活一定很幸福,我给他打个电话吧:“喂, 柳树大叔,您的生活如何呀?我想搬过去……”“哎,简直无法形容呀!我这不是有一条小河吗,以前小河边鸟语花香,水里的鱼虾合着流水的节奏欢快地跳舞,真 是快乐又幸福!可是,好景不长,小河边盖起了一座工厂,工厂里排放出的烟尘把我们搞得晕头转向的。人类还往河里放污水……,河里的鱼虾们都死无葬身之地 了。你可千万别过来呀!”


开头:尊敬的领导、老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 首先请允许我代表碧桂园学校20xx届初三195名毕业生和已直升高中部的57名高一新生,向关心教导过我们的所有领导、老师表示最衷心的感谢!(起立,敬礼!)


开头:课前三分钟演讲稿初中一 老师们,同学们, 大家好! 今天我讲话的题目是《做一个持之以恒的人》。一个文质彬彬,充满才气,富有冒险精神,对朋友真诚、友善的小男孩伴着他那传奇的经历,征服了全球亿万读者。你知道他是谁吗?他就是哈利?波特,英国女作家j?k?罗琳所创作的“哈利?波特系列小说”中的主人公。你想知道j?k?罗琳是怎样完成这部小说的吗?


开头:hello! everyone. i’m tony, an 11-year-old happy boy.i live with my parents and we love each other. i have many hobbies, such as sports, singing and reading books.and i love animals most. now i will tell you about my favorite animal.





