开头:尊敬的各位领导、老师们,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!我叫王##,来自河南省平顶山市卫东区五条路小学五年级一班。前段时间,我的作文《照顾有病的姥爷》在共青团平顶山市委及学校少先大队组织的“把我的幸福告诉你”征文大赛中获得国家级奖,而且要到首都北京领奖,当我得到这一消息时,心情激动万分!这个好消息迅速传遍了整个校园,老师和同学们都为我感到骄傲与自豪!
开头:尊敬的老师,同学们: 大家早上好!我今天演讲的题目是《学会感恩,做一个有责任感的好少年》。 鲜花感恩雨露,因为雨露让它滋润;苍鹰感恩长空,因为长空让它飞翔;高山感恩大地,因为大地让它高耸?我感恩,很多很多!同学们,你们呢?我想也应如此吧,那么,就让我们一起学会感恩吧!
开头:我叫郑玢,是个人见人爱的可爱女孩。我年龄不大,个子不高,却从小就有着一股永不服输的个性。 在学习上,作为一班之长的我勤奋好学。每天放学回家,第一件事就是写作业。遇到难题,不懂的题,也一定要把它弄明白才会罢休。在课堂上,我仔细地聆听老师讲的每一个字,每一句话,正因为这样,我的语文和数学期末考试年年都是双百。
开头:歌唱祖国 忘不了,六十一年前,在祖国苦难深重的历史页面上,是谁站在天安门城楼,向全世界庄严宣布,中国人民站起来了!从此,将崭新的历史惟幕拉开。
开头:good moning teacher! my name is songfurong. i’m twelve years old this year. i have two big eyes, small mouth and a red face. i like singing and dancing. i like reading books. i like red and yellow. there are three people in my family. my father, my mother and i. my father is a worker. he likes basketball and talbletennis. my mother is a worker too. they work very hard. my house is very big and beautiful.
开头:尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!今天我给大家演讲的题目是《做个知荣辱的小学生》。 从小到大,我的家人都教育我做人要明辨是非,做事前要先想想这件事做得是对的还是错的。就这样,我从一个呀呀学语的幼儿成长为一个四年级的小学生,至今,家人的谆谆教导我仍铭记在心。这其中有许许多多难忘的小故事,我就拮取其中的一个讲给大家听吧!
开头:小学生爱我雁城,从我做起比赛演讲稿 今天我演讲的题目是——《爱我雁城,从我做起》 每当我注视着中国地图,总要深情地找寻你、呼唤你;每当我向远方的朋友谈起你,总要自豪的赞美你,歌颂你。因为你是我美丽的家乡——雁城。
开头:hello! everyone: i’m a happy chinese girl, my name is wangsiwen. you can call me alice. nice to meet you! my english name is alice. today is my birthday, so i’m very happy. i’m nine years old. i have a round face and a small mouth. my eyes are not too big and not too small. and i have long black hair.
开头:尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学: 大家好!今天,我讲故事的题目是《母爱》。 这是发生在十几年前的一个真实的故事。
开头:大家好,今天我给大家谈一谈我心中的理想生活。 童年,我心中的理想生活是阳光的,天真的,不断地汲取知识,充实自我,为青年的奋发作着准备,享受这一去不返的童年的灿烂春光。
开头:小学生讲故事比赛关于月亮演讲稿范文 小学生讲故事比赛关于月亮演讲稿范文1 月食 据说,太阳和月亮是兄妹,太阳哥哥热情奔放,月亮妹妹美貌害羞。太阳哥哥乘一辆金车,车前有一盏光亮无比的大灯,每一天白天在天上从东到西走一趟,把光亮带给人间;月亮妹妹乘一辆银车,车前也有一盏光亮无比的大灯,每一天晚上在天上从东到西走一趟,把银辉洒向大地。
开头:2023小学生比赛征文演讲稿:爱我雁城,从我做起 今天我演讲的题目是——《爱我雁城,从我做起》 每当我注视着中国地图,总要深情地找寻你、呼唤你;每当我向远方的朋友谈起你,总要自豪的赞美你,歌颂你。因为你是我美丽的家乡——雁城。
开头:尊敬的各位老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好!今天,我演讲的题目是《城市转型,从我做起》。 我们生活的城市美丽富饶、欣欣向荣,是一座美伦美奂的矿业城市,人们在美的环境中生活,在美的环境中享受着生活的乐趣,一切看起来都是如此温暖和谐。但是,同学们可否知道,在这样繁荣的矿业城市背后,为了拥有更加美好的生活,那些辛勤的叔叔阿姨们为此付出了多少汗水呀!
开头:good morning, my dear teachers and friends! my name is li bingke, from class four o five. today, i am very happy to be here. my topic is “our school”. my dear friends, welcome to our school! my school is very beautiful! it has a big playground. we can play and do some sports there. near the playground, there is a garden. many trees and flowers are there. so the air is very clean and we can hear birds singing in the trees. it is so wonderful. our teaching buildings are around the garden and look like our teachers’ arms to welcome us. we can draw pictures in the art room on the first floor and read story-books in the library on the second floor. my classroom is on the third floor. it is clean and bright. we like to study in it. the computer room is on the fifth floor. we can sing and dance in the music room on the sixth floor. what a lot of fun! we can have lunch in the canteen near defang teaching building.
开头:chen yongsi&chen haiying(15): there are many sayings in our life.but have you ever realized that some of them may be truth and some of them may be ridiculous rumors?let’s welcome chen yongsi and chen haiying to help us find out the truth behind it.welcome!!! chen peishan(15): failure is the mother of success.we know thomas edison almost failed 8,000 times in inventing the light bulb.but as we all know,after his hard work,he finally changed the whole world.after reading about famous musician beethoven's story,chen peishan from class 15 has something to say as well.let's welcome her! luo shumeng(16): are you good at learning english?what’s the secret of your success ?well, luo shumeng from class 16 today may give us some clues about it.so let's welcome him to make us a speech!welcome!! xiao xingrui(16): have you watched the movie 'the pursuit of happiness'
开头:2023年比赛演讲稿:小学生爱祖国演讲稿 各位老师.各位同学: 大家好! 如果我问你,你最爱谁?你是否会说:“当然是我的父母喽!”因为生我者乃父母也。可你有没有想过,育我者却是祖国母亲。千百年来,咱们的祖国母亲饱经多少沧桑,历尽多少磨难,才有了今天的辉煌!我爱祖国母亲,胜过爱我的一切!想当
开头:hello! everyone: i’m a happy chinese girl, my name is wangsiwen. you can call me alice. nice to meet you! my english name is alice. today is my birthday, so i’m very happy. i’m nine years old. i have a round face and a small mouth. my eyes are not too big and not too small. and i have long black hair.
开头:每当我注视着中国地图,总要深情地找寻你、呼唤你;每当我向远方的朋友谈起你,总要自豪的赞美你,歌颂你。因为你是我美丽的家乡——雁城。 雁城衡阳,你从悠远的历史深邃中款款而来,你散发着纸的清香,闪烁着哲学智慧的光芒,在文人墨客的吟诵中一路走来。你在血与火的洗礼中涅盘新生。
开头:兰兰是宁夏固原市原州区西郊小学的一名学生。开学的第一天,天刚蒙蒙亮,她就告别了奶奶,顶着冬季的寒风走了两个小时的山路。终于到学校了 ,这时,她的肚子早已咕咕直叫了。