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发布时间:2023-06-12 11:04:02 热度:93


第1篇 2022考博英语范文总结

2022考博英语范文总结 一、television program and their effect on children 二、“the younger generaton knows best” 三、how to solve the housing problem in big cities 四、public transportation as part of domestic modernization, public transportation needs to be developed urgently in china. i can illustrate some examples. to solve the above-mentioned problems, the departments concerned should carry out the following steps: to build more roads, highways or railways and to add buses or trains to the original lines. but ther funds have to be raised both from the government and the public. there are three sources for fund raising. one is to raise the fares for all kinds of all transportation vehicles. another is to increase the prices for various vehicles on sale. the third is to raise the prices of petrol and diesel oil in addtion to the governmental funds. if all this money to raise the prices of petrol and diesel oiil in addtion to the governmental funds. if all this money collected is used to improve transportation services, the situation will be bettered and favorable. the third step to take is to introduce new technology in order to raise the efficiency of vehicles. for instance, the speed of trains can be increased as much as two times so that two times as many people can be held. in this way, the pressure on public transportation can be dramatically alleviated. so in a word, we need to introduce new technology to raise the speed of vehicles while having built even wider roads and added more efficient trains and huses. 六、criticism on television a lot of people believe that television has a harmful effect on chldren. a few years ago, the same criticisms were made of the cinema. but although child psychoilogists have spent a great deal of time studying his problem, there is not much evidence that television brings about teenager’s crimes. for people in the modern worlds share the views of parents a hundred years ago. in those days, writers for children carefully avoided any reference to sex in their books, but had not inhibitions about including scenes of violence. the evidence collected suggests, however, that neither the subject, nor the action in itself frightens children. the context in which cruely or violence occurs is much more important. in my view, children should be exposed to the problems of real life as soon as possible, but they cannont help seeing these through news programs. when they are being entertained, the healthiest atmosphere is one which the hero and heroine are children like themselves who behave naturally and confidently in any situation. 七、he ony thing people are interesed in today is earing more money once upon a time there lived a beautiful young woman and a handsome young man. they were very poor, but as they were deeply in love, they wanted to get married. the young people’s parents shook their heads. “you can’t get married yet.” they said. wait till you get a good job with good prospects. so the young people waited until they found good jobs with good prospects and they were able to get married. they were still poor, of course, they didn’t have a house to live in or any furniture, but that did’t matter. they young man had a good job with good prospects, so large organizations lent him the money he needed to buy a house, some furniture, all the latest electrical appliances and a car. the couple lived happily ever after paying off debts for the rest of their lves. and so ends another modern romantic fable. it is not only affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of making more money. consumer goods are desirable everywhere and modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets. gone are the days when industrial goods were made to last forever. the wheels of industry must be kept turning. built-in obsolescence provides the means; goods are made to be discarded. cars get tinnier and tinnier. you no sooner acquire this year’s model than you are thinking about its replacement. 十、he rise of intellectual property protection now almost all research universities in the united states have technology licensing operations. the number of u.s. patents granted to american universities in a year rose from about 300 in 1980 to almost 2000 in 1995. the direct economic impact of technology licensing on the universities themselves has been relatively small. in contrast, the impact of university technology transfer on the local and national economies has been substantial, and leads to the concusion that the licensing act is one of the most successful pieces of economic development in recent history. it has been estimated that more than 200000 jobs have been created in the united states in product development and manufacturing of products from university licenses, with the number increasing fairly rapidly as the licenses mature.

第2篇 考博英语整体复习方法总结













第3篇 2022年考博面试技巧经验总结

导语pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably. 不管追求什么目标,都应坚持不懈。以下是为大家整理的《2022年考博面试技巧经验总结》 希望对大家考试有帮助。


形式不同,一些老师是直接问一些问题,如果他刚好研究你那个方向,你就惨烈一点点了,因为他对自己不太了解的本系专业,不会问太多,如果与你同行,那就问的更专业一点,他当然比你 了解的多,而且还是英文!





千万不要对老师一个劲的提问,我听说一个女生,她口语还不错,可是把口试现场当成了学术讨论会,不断和老师争执和提问,或许让老师很没有面子吧,听说某些老师对她有些须意见。总之外语很牛的人,尤其是自认为很牛的人,不要在考场上炫耀,要知道考官见过的牛人多了。一句一句说完自己的观点,稍微发挥一点就好了。专业口试 请见下节分解。



















