酷猫写作 > 个人简历 > 英文简历


发布时间:2022-02-18 21:38:02 热度:56





no.67, lane123, job road, job district, shanghai, china 200070


(+86) 13xxxxxxxxxx


master of social work (msw) 2014

certified chemical dependency counselor

certificate of specialization—geriatrics

cpr certification

professional skills and experience

mental health services


research support

individual and group therapy

case management

manuscript assistance


research assistant

dr. jonas clark

dallas, tx

2013 - present

project support clerk for psychological studies. compile data, conduct qualitative and statistical analysis and prepare reference sources and bibliographical citations per american psychological association (apa) format. edit and transcribe texts.

achievements: prepared 4 manuscripts accepted for publication in high-profile trade publications.

group facilitator

tx human services

dallas, tx

summer, 2012

discussion-group leader on a variety of issues including anger and stress management, substance abuse and chemical dependency, goal-setting and daily living skills.

achievement: increased participation in groups from 6 to 40 members.


texas youth treatment center

plano, tx

winter, 2011

assisted the case manager for up to 15 youth, ages 5 to 18. provided individual counseling and group therapy on family issues, behavioral and emotional problems, anger, anxiety and abuse.

camp counselor

camp iwannago

dallas, tx

summer, 2011

camp counselor in summer camp for displaced children. managed camp activities and provided counseling services for 25 youth in preparation for home visits, reunification and/or foster care.


master of arts, social work

texas state university

dallas, tx


bachelor of arts, sociology

columbia university

dallas, tx



national association of social workers, memberamerican counseling association, regional representative

national board of certified counselors, member





进入面试室后,在没有听到“请坐”之前,绝对不可以坐下,等考官告诉你“请坐”时才可坐下,坐下时应道声“谢谢”。坐姿也有讲究,“站如松,坐 如钟 ”,面试时也应该如此,良好的坐姿是给面试官留下好印象的关键要素之一。坐椅子时最好坐满三分之二,上身挺直,这样显得精神抖擞;保持轻松自如的姿势,身体要略向前倾。不要弓着腰,也不要把腰挺得很直,这样反倒会给人留下死板的印象,应该很自然地将腰伸直,并拢双膝,把手自然的放在上面。有两种坐姿不可取:一是紧贴着椅背坐,显得太放松;二是只坐在椅边,显得太紧张。这两种坐法,都不利于面试的进行。要表现出精力和热忱,松懈的姿势会让人感到你疲惫不堪或漫不经心。切忌跷二郎腿并不停抖动,两臂不要交叉在胸前,更不能把手放在邻座椅背上,或加些玩笔、摸头、伸舌头等小动作,容易给别人一种轻浮傲慢、有失庄重的印象。


面试一开始就要留心自己的身体语言,特别是自己的眼神,对面试官应全神贯注,目光始终聚焦在面试人员身上,在不言之中,展现出自信及对对方的尊重。眼睛是心灵的窗户,恰当的眼神能体现出智慧、自信以及对公司的向往和热情。注意眼神的交流,这不仅是相互尊重的表示,也可以更好地获取一些信息,与面试官的动作达成默契。正确的眼神表达应该是:礼貌地正视对方,注视的部位最好是考官的鼻眼三角区(社交区);目光平和而有神,专注而不呆板;如果有几个面 试官在场,说话的时候要适当用目光扫视一下其他人,以示尊重;回答问题前,可以把视线投在对方背面墙上,约两三秒钟做思考,不宜过长,开口回答问题时,应该把视线收回来。







basic information:

name: mr xx

sex: male national: han

height: 180cm

account where: beijing

current: beijing

graduate institutions: capital normal university

political landscape: the chinese communist party members

highest level of education: undergraduate

repair by a professional: sociology and social work

talent type: fresh graduates

job search intention:

job type: full-time

position: civil service human resources public relations

hope location: beijing

wish to pay: negotiable

education and training experience:

experience to participate in social practice:

2006-09 --- 2006-12 fengtai court in a public court practice

2006-07 --- 2006-08 5th in beijing welfare professional internship

2005-09 --- 2005-11 during this period of translation involved in helping a professor at the university of canada scholars mcgrill books, the book has been published in china

2004-09 --- more than two years ago, i use the spare time a day and weekends to teach several students studying chinese, but also learn from them to a lot of foreign customs and culture, but also to study health and the chinese are a great improvement in the level, which was successfully passed the hsk examination

2004-09 --- 2004-12 in the last few months has been engaged students in the school library administrators to help library of books for teachers in the management of categories, from books to learn a lot of management experience.

2004-08 --- 2004-08 hui ling in beijing service center, the mentally handicapped to participate in internships, and the role of translation during the day-to-day word-processing work

2004-04 --- so far from april 2004 has been engaged in home work, so that the student achievement improved, parents have given me a high rating

language proficiency:

english proficiency level: 6

putonghua proficiency levels: level b

computer capability:

proficiency in the use of ms office software


outgoing personality, excellent academic performance in school during the period, the scholarship for two years, when the sophomore passed the college english 46 exams, courses have acquired a solid, serious and meticulous work, sound skills, language ability, social practice experience, the courage to face challenges, ability to endure hardship, and always with the attitude of learning to deal with all, the work of pro-active, have strong organizational skills and spirit of collaboration groups and can quickly adapt to various<>



