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发布时间:2024-01-26 09:30:06 热度:83


开头:as food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgment. learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty.

结尾:once learning stops, vegetation sets in. it is a common fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge. on the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. with the world ever changing so fast, the cease from learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. what's worse, the animalistic instinct dormant deep in our subconsciousness will come to life, weakening our will to pursue our noble ideal, sapping our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character. lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization, therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career. 中学生即兴英语演讲稿3分钟


开头:敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好: 今天我演讲的题目是《祖国爱我心中》。 “九曲黄河使我懂得百折不回,莽莽昆仑使我学会立地顶天,教我纯洁的是北国的雪花,教我热烈的是南疆的红棉。龙的故土、民族的摇篮,锦绣山川哺育了我们——中华的少年。”

结尾:现在,中国强大了,20xx年北京奥运会成功举办,又发射了“神舟七号”飞船,带着我们祖国的进步,成功飞向太空。……今年,9月4日,在杭州举行了g20峰会,又在9月15日中秋之夜成功发射了“天宫二号”。如今,祖国繁荣了,但是历史终究不能变,已经成为烙印深深印在我们身上。 “我是指南针、印刷术的后裔,我是圆周率、地动仪的子孙。我骄傲,我是中国人。” 小学生祖国在我心中演讲稿3分钟


开头:3分钟演讲如何提升自己 3分钟演讲如何提升自己1 1、每天三分钟的微信演讲练习 我们可以选择一个主题,对着微信做一个简短的演讲。可以是对最近发生的事情的看法,可以是最近学到的一些知识的总结,也可以是对一部有趣电影的叙述。

结尾:适当的停顿不仅可以让自己有时间思考,还可以让每个人都有时间思考,以便每个人都可以遵循你的思路走,并且能更好地控场。 所以,讲话的时候要大胆,发言的语速、语调很重要,可以直接影响你的气场,这样也可以减少几分紧张。


开头:3分钟童话故事演讲稿 现在我给大家讲一个童话故事,它是英国作家王尔德写的巨人的花园故事讲的是一个巨人看到孩子们在自己的花园里玩耍很生气于是他在花园的周围筑起了高墙将孩子们据于墙外。从此以后园里花不开鸟不语一片荒凉花园里也没有了春夏秋只有冬天永远留在了这里一天孩子们从墙洞爬进来园里立刻生机勃勃巨人看到后再次将孩子们赶出花园园里又被冰雪覆盖了后来巨人觉醒了随即拆除了高墙花园成了孩子们的乐园巨人生活在漂亮的花园和孩子们中间感到无比幸福。。。

结尾:生活中,有许多这样的人,他们对人生有着种种设想与规划,有着十分美好的理想与愿望,可就是不用实际行动来实现它,这样一来,即使构想出再有价值的东西,也是胎死腹中,令人惋惜。 老鼠没有行动,是因为恐惧,我们没有行动,是因为什么呢?不要找任何借口来回答这个问题,任何借口都是苍白无力的。 我们应该随时告诫自己:下定决心做某件事的时候,一定要立即行动。


开头:老师们,同学们,大家好!(鞠躬) 我国战国时期思想家墨翟先生曾说过:志不强者智不达。的确,我国古往今来的大人物们都有“鸿鹄之志”,因此,我认为,一个人不能没有理想。

结尾:各位的理想肯定都各有各的不同,但是为它奋斗的过程却是相似的。屈原的《离骚》中写到:路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。为求“索”,我希望各位能够在小考中发挥自己的水平,而我,也不例外。 为了理想,为了明天,奋力冲向光辉的顶点吧!


开头:感恩教师节主题演讲稿3分钟 金秋沃野,丹桂飘香,伴着丰收的喜悦,我们共同迎来了第二十七个教师节。在此,我谨代表重庆市北碚区王朴中学校党政工团向为全校默默耕耘、无私奉献、恪尽职守的每一位教职工表示最崇高的敬意!祝你们节日快乐!

结尾:值此教师节来临之际,也特别地恭祝关心教育事业的各位领导来宾节日快乐!是的,重视教育的领导是有远见卓识、为民无私谋利的好领导,我谨代表全校近2023名师生恭祝大家身体健康、合家幸福!并提前祝大家中秋快乐! 谢谢!


开头:good morning,everyone.i'm so happy to give my own speech here today.­ once in a while,i'd think back on the things of past one year.lucky and excited,i was admitted into this school which is the best high school in our city.i thought it could give me great stimulation to achieve the dream in my heart.however,when i was on the point of facing difficulties,i seemed so weak on the way to success.i gradully lost interest in studying.the stimulation had gotten out of my system and wasn't in control of my mental.i began being absent-minded in most of classes.playing cellphone became my foolish fault.finally i delayed my studies.how could i account for my low scores?the answer might be:i was wrong all the way.­

结尾:we'll continue our quest in space. there will be more shuttle flights and more shuttle crews and, yes, more volunteers, more civilians, more teachers in space. nothing ends here; our hopes and our journeys continue.


开头:初中英语演讲稿: everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .

结尾:the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.


开头:in the modern society study english is becoming more important and popular. but when i was young, i didn’t know of this and prefer to play outside rather than learn english. but my mother said :“english is the necessary tools to talk with foreigners, so you should study in an english class. believe yourself, you can certainly study english well!”finally i agreed my mom’s opinion and began to study ladder english when i was five.

结尾:up till now, i have been studied english for about 6 years. i deeply realize the importance of learning english. i will continue to study in the future, and i really appreciate my mother and my english teacher,too. this year beijing will host the 20xx olympic games, i believe that master english well will certain help me to do some useful work for this olympics.


开头:教师节3分钟演讲稿1 老师们、同学们: 大家好!当习习的秋风在我们身边吹拂,当累累的硕果在枝头悄悄成熟的时候,我们又迎来了一个极有意义的节日——“教师节”。虽然,九月,没有娇艳的鲜花,没有嫩绿的杨柳,但却因为有教师节而显得美丽,让人充满期待。老师们:在这第二十八个教师节来临之际,请允许我向全体教师致以美好地祝福:祝老师们身体健康,万事如意,工作顺利,再创新的辉煌。

结尾:回顾这几年的教育教学,确实感慨万千。但使我感受最深的却是:回眸一笑堪慰。我会一如既往,敬业拼搏,为教育事业贡献自己全部的力量。 教师节3分钟演讲稿(精选)


开头:for a nation's dream, we start from the 1840 sea surface; to a constant pursuit, we deep in the years to write a glorious. in global view shows choice of the chinese road of national rejuvenation; concentrated panorama in history.' around the millennium change, eventful years, chinese new century, great turning point, span, the future of six theme, reflects china's great achievements since 1840, arduous and tortuous road of revitalization of the nation and the chinese people made in china under the leadership of the communist party. the 'shock' 'excited' tears ''……

结尾:this is my watch, taste right is felt when discourse. process of reading and rejuvenation of the great, i reviewed the history of the chinese nation 100 years the dream of power and unremitting exploration. full and accurate historical data, magnificent momentum, a language, a precious historical pictures, shows a picture of the world national revival. 20xx中学生英语演讲稿范文3分钟


开头:a man who lived in a block of apartments thought it was raining and put his head out the window to check. as he did so a glass eye fell into his hand. he looked up to see where it came from in time to see a young woman looking down.

结尾:the man hesitated then said, 'do you act like this with every man you meet?' 'no,' she replied, 'only those who catch my eye.' 中学生英语课前演讲稿3分钟


开头:关于校园元旦节演讲稿3分钟敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学: 大家早上好!今天我演讲的题目是:《欢欢喜喜庆元旦,全力以赴迎考试》。

结尾:元旦即始,万象更新。亲爱的同学们,新的一年即将到来,历史将翻开新的一页,我们的人生将进入新的征程。一切都是新的。而我们,也将迎来我们的期末考试。同学们,期末考试就好像是老师和父母对我们进行的大阅兵,我们要精神抖擞,意气风发的接受来自师长们的大检阅。新年有新气象。我们更要加倍努力,刻苦学习,奋发图强,在老师的指导下,认真复习好各门功课,争取在期末考试中取得好成绩。 最后,我再一次祝愿同学们节日快乐!我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家! 关于校园元旦节演讲稿3分钟,尽在酷猫写作范文网。


开头:love my homeland, because i love her beautiful landscape. look, that mr. laoshe daxinganling described the boundless expanse of blue water, not only could not finish going, but also not object to watch, she brought up the number of rare birds and animals, and the number of literary production. it is no wonder that mr. lao said she did not empty the united states, but became one of the concrete construction of the united states.

结尾:listening, always pour it, rolling in the yangtze river water from milk such as the general nourishment of this magical land, raising a great nation. first visit to the majestic mount tai to visit her, 'you would be extremely ling, list of small hills,' the majestic momentum error indicates that the chinese nation will be permitted on nations of the world ? times and then a peaceful trip to the west lake water gently, she like wonderful, and the mind to absorb a large number of rivers of water, symbolizing the chinese nation is not correct that the character of tolerance and generosity of mind ? 初中生英语演讲稿范文3分钟


开头:3分钟初中英语演讲稿 good morning everyone it's a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a speech to you. then today i want to talk something about dreams and reality.

结尾:now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed! i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed! i must do it! i can do it! i will do it! i will succeed!


开头:中学生3分钟励志演讲稿范文1 敬爱的陈老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好,我今天演讲的题目是《论实干》。

结尾:理想>为了我们的班级为了我们的第一请投身于实干中去吧。 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家。 中学生3分钟励志演讲稿范文2


开头:【英语演讲稿3分钟结尾(一)】 英文演讲稿结尾 结尾:ok,thank you for listening,that's all.(好了,谢谢各位的聆听,我的演讲结束了。)我参加过很多英语比赛,而这个是比较常用的,也能体现出你的修养,

结尾:if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too. i am sure that i will realize my dream one day!


开头:3分钟感恩英语演讲稿(1) dear students, our way of life is always sunny, blue skies, which in the end the most dazzling ray of sunlight? it was said to be excellent academic performance, it was said to be given to help others ... ... and i think that our way of life of the most brilliant sunshine should be reported to belong to the temple map, help us to grow thanks to everyone. yes, the institute of thanksgiving is a feeling, the institute of thanksgiving, but also a character.

结尾:love and gratitude-this is what i feel standing now in front of you. love and gratitude-these are the best emotions one can imagine. i am happy to love you and to be grateful to you. i know that you love me too. i would like to assure you that my goal in life is to become as wonderful as you think i am. as far as this goal attainment requires much effort, skills and time, i hope that you’ll help me in it, as always, i deeply appreciate your support. thank you for being with me. thank you very much!


开头:every season has its beautiful views in south china. for me, i love spring. firstly, spring can make lives alive. spring is beautiful and green, the leaves turn to be green suddenly and the rain will visit my hometown from time to time. grass extend his head out of the ground, the willow sends out green bud, the river burst into song. in spring, the sky is very blue, the cloud is white, and the air is fresh. the spring is evident everywhere. spring make me feel happy. in spring, the weather is always sunny and warm, usually i go travelling, sometimes i go hiking and climb mountains, i like spring .

结尾:首先,春天可以使生活活着。春天是美丽的和绿色的,绿色的叶子变雨突然将访问我的家乡的时候。草扩展他的头从地上,柳树发出绿芽,放声歌唱。在春天,天空很蓝,云是白的,空气是新鲜的。春天到处都是显而易见的。春天让我感到快乐。在春天,天气总是阳光明媚,天气温暖,我通常去旅游,有时我去远足和爬山,我喜欢春天。 其次,春天是开始全年。人们总是做去年的一些结论,计划他们的目标对来年的春天,开始努力。 英语演讲稿范文3分钟带翻译


开头:good evening: my favourite teacher and classmates. it is mypleasure to take a speech here for all of you. the title of my speech today is: mychina dream. “now everybody is talking the chinadream.i consider that to revitalize [,ri'va?t?la?z] (使恢复生气) the chinese nation great is thegreat dream of chinese nation”the declaration[dekl?'re(?)n](宣布) of dream said by general secretary ['sekr?t(?)r?] xi jingping.and this is the chinadream of general secretary xi.as a contemporary[k?n'temp(?)r(?r)?] (当代的)college student,what are our chinadream of us being the god's favored one(天之骄子)?shall we dare to have a dream,at thesame time.

结尾:when you still have no dreams,see the diaoyu island was occopation by the janpanese and waste it?do you suffer in silence if unprovoked provocation of the philippines.;lhasa rebellion of chinese dream is that we want to do?the china dream is not wo want,for students,we are the hope of the future.we are brought up to have thier our dreams,which are vital to the china future development. every generation has in every generation’s dream,my dream is china dream,china dream is my dream.we should to fight with our chinese dream. are you ready go



