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发布时间:2024-04-08 07:52:16 热度:80


开头:尊敬的校学生会及各院学生会同事,下午好。 我是校学生会学习部即将卸任部长吴~~,首先很感谢各位在我离开学生会这个舞台中心前,给我这样一个难求的机会站在这里作为~~部长代表发言。


开头:a tv picture starts with a tv camera. some tv cameras are big and some are small. the cameras in tv studios are big. camera operators roll the big cameras around on wheels. there are usually several big cameras in a tv studio. cameras used outside a tv studio are smaller. tv camera crews take the smaller cameras to news and sports events.


开头:different people have different career outlooks. some people want to become civil servants; some people hope to start their own business; some people dream of being freelancers, and so on. however, my ideal job is teaching. firstly, i’m told that teachers have a high income. with the high income, i can open a training school to help the children in poor families with their education. secondly, teachers always have summer and winter holidays, thus i will have more free time to relax myself. more importantly, teachers are angels to students, who can pass on the knowledge to students as well as help them develop their hobbies and interests. i can’t imagine how happy i will feel when i see my students become elites.


开头:英语演讲稿3分钟范文 one day in 1819, 3,000 miles off the coast of chile, in one of the most remote regions of the pacific ocean, 20 american sailors watched their ship flood with seawater.


开头:竞选副班长演讲稿 尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们,大家下午好! 我今天竞选的职位是副班长。副班长这个响当当的旗号,它永远是我心中的亮点,我的向往。


开头:怎么写3分钟英语演讲稿 good morning/evening/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen : today, my speech is about talents,in my opionion, talents are indispensable in nowadays society. as is known to all that the fight among countries is actually the fight among talents.


开头:everyone has their own dreams, i am no exception. this is my dream for five years. i grew up love swimming, correct posture, swim fast, heard a lot of praise, some said to i taught them to swim! from then on, the dream was born, so i keep practice every day...


开头:2023公司竞聘演讲稿3分钟尊敬的各位领导、各位同事: 大家好! 非常感谢我有这个参与竞聘的机会,希望能得到大家的支持。我之所以竞聘财务主管这个职位,除了热爱财务工作外,是基于以下理由和优势:


开头:students, guests , teachers and honorable judges good morning ! my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher…


开头:we live in the world every day. we eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch tv, use computers and so on. we are producing waste every moment. generally speaking, there are four sorts of waste. they are material waste, organic waste, inorganic waste and poisonous & harmful waste. now, we are going to talk about each sort of waste one by one.


开头:大家好! 现在我给大家讲一个童话故事,它是英国作家王尔德写的巨人的花园故事讲的是一个巨人看到孩子们在自己的花园里玩耍很生气于是他在花园的周围筑起了高墙将孩子们据于墙外。从此以后园里花不开鸟不语一片荒凉花园里也没有了春夏秋只有冬天永远留在了这里一天孩子们从墙洞爬进来园里立刻生机勃勃巨人看到后再次将孩子们赶出花园园里又被冰雪覆盖了后来巨人觉醒了随即拆除了高墙花园成了孩子们的乐园巨人生活在漂亮的花园和孩子们中间感到无比幸福。。。


开头:尊敬的各位老师、同学们: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是《感恩老师》 从求知若渴的少年到展翅高飞的成人,从门外汉到专才,从人类的结绳记事到今天信息时代的来临,教师的作用时时刻刻贯穿于人类文明发展史的整个过程。


开头:小学生国旗下演讲稿励志3分钟 同学们,你喜欢自己吗?你对自己满意吗?你很羡慕某些人,甚至愿意自己也成为他吗?如果你对自己有疑惑,那么我来告诉你:就像每一片叶子都有它独特的形状,每一朵花儿都有它独特的香味,我们每一个人都是世上独一无二的个体,在这个世界上,没有两个人是完全一样的。我们每一个人的存在,都有自己的价值与意义,别人可以比我好,也可以比我差,但没有人可以取代我。美国少年天使肯尼,一出生就因为身体畸形截掉双腿,后来又发现切口的根部被癌细胞侵入,只好把腰部以下的身体全部切除。但是,肯尼并没有向病魔低头,他在家人的帮助下向自己的生命挑战,拼命练习生存技能,使得自己日渐独立,能跟常人一样上学,甚至还学会了溜滑板、溜冰。肯尼的生命是美丽的、动人的。


开头:尊老爱幼3分钟演讲稿 敬老爱幼,是最好的美德。人之一生,谁也不能避免这两个时期,在年老时需要人的扶助,正如在年幼时需要人的照管。当年岁大了,无人加以诚恳的扶助,必不能得到安闲。幼小时,无人加以慈爱的照管,必容易趋于坠落。若讲人道主义,须先对于老幼这两项人,施行亲切的爱护。


开头:居安思危 洪水未到先筑堤,豺狼未来先磨刀。 一只野狼卧在草上勤奋地磨牙,狐狸看到了,就对它说:“天气这么好,大家在休息娱乐,你也加入我们队伍中吧!”野狼没有说话,继续磨牙,把它的牙齿磨得又尖又利。狐狸奇怪地问道:“森林这么静,猎人和猎狗已经回家了,老虎也不在近处徘徊,又没有任何危险,你何必那么用劲


开头:ronaldo luiz nazario de lima1 was born on 22 september 1976 in a poor suburb of rio de janeiro2. like most of his childhood friends, ronaldo began his soccer career playing barefoot in the streets of his neighborhood. at the age of 14, he joined s?o cristov?o3 soccer club and only two years later became the star of cruzeiro belo horizonte4 scoring a total of 58 goals in 60 matches and earning himself a reputation for his explosive5 pace and outstanding finishing skills. his goal-scoring record and unusual agility6 led him to be included in the brazilian world cup winning team the following year. after the world cup, many top european football clubs were trying to sign him. many people, including brazilian football legend pelé7, referred to him as the most promising8 footballer of his generation.


开头:尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 学校大课间活动时,班主任老师向我们宣传垃圾分类,让大家行动起来,从我做起,共建绿色家园。


开头:how to be popular most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. what is the secret to popularity? in fact, it is very simple. the first step is to improve our appearance. we should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well.


开头:3分钟感恩英语演讲稿(1) dear students, our way of life is always sunny, blue skies, which in the end the most dazzling ray of sunlight? it was said to be excellent academic performance, it was said to be given to help others ... ... and i think that our way of life of the most brilliant sunshine should be reported to belong to the temple map, help us to grow thanks to everyone. yes, the institute of thanksgiving is a feeling, the institute of thanksgiving, but also a character.


开头:sino-japan problem is always a sensitive topic, a fuse which can trigger a serial of explosion. some so-called patriots argue that buying domestic products is patriotism and proclaim that in particular all the chinese should reject goods marked “made in japan”.



