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发布时间:2023-11-30 08:57:18 热度:10


开头:艾玛沃森联合国演讲稿中英文 emma watson: gender equality is your issue too 艾玛 沃森:性别平等也关乎你


开头:on my birthday two years ago, many special things happened on me. and i would remember them forever. that morning, i rode my bike to school happily as usual. on my way to the


开头:伊万卡演讲稿中英文 特朗普女儿伊万卡的助选演讲稿中英文对照版 good evening. thank you.one year ago, i introduced my father when hedeclared his candidacy. in his own way, and through his own sheer force of will,he sacrificed greatly to enter the political arena as an outsider. and heprevailed against afield of 16 very talented competitors.for more than a year,donald trump has been the people’s champion, and tonight he’s the people’snominee.


开头:when i was in my 20s, i saw my very first psychotherapy client. i was a ph.d. student in clinical psychology at berkeley. she was a 26-year-old woman named alex. now alex walked into her first session wearing jeans and a big slouchy top(宽松的上衣), and she dropped onto the couch in my office and kicked off her flats(平底鞋) and told me she was there to talk about guy problems. now when i heard this, i was so relieved. my classmate got an arsonist(纵火犯) for her first client. (laughter) and i got a twentysomething who wanted to talk about boys. this i thought i could handle.


开头:以下是站为大家提供的王力宏在牛津大学的英文演讲稿原文(附中文翻译): thank you, plena. thank you, jun. thank you, peishan for helping this set up.


开头:dream——a word that has changed the world hello,everybody !it is my great honor to be here to share my idea with you .today,i will talk something about dream——a word that has changed the world .


开头:let’s stand up from where we fall down all the celebrations welcoming the new century were hold in the year xx, because life without a greeting is like the sky without the sun.greetings are very important for the whole world,in my opinion.


开头:last year when i was here, i was speaking to you about a swim which i did across the north pole.去年,当我站在这里的时候,我在谈论我横跨 北极的游泳。 and while that swim took place three years ago, i can remember it as if it was yesterday.那还是发生在3年前, 对我则好像是昨天一般。


开头:today i am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. what is success? it is what everyone is longing for.sometimes success would be rather simple. winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now i am


开头:one day mr. green, the science teacher, asked his class, 'what do you want to be when you grow up?' 'i want to be a dolphin trainer like my uncle,' mike answered. 'why do you want to be a dolphin trainer?' asked mr. green.


开头:人生应该丰富的是什么英文演讲稿 a university professor started off his class by picking out of his back pocket a 20-pound note. and in this lecture hall of about 200 people he asked, 'how many of you would like this note?'


开头:i have read the last leaf written by o henry. i couldn’t understand old behrman’s masterpiece until i met a gentleman that day. last year, i took a speech training class in my spare time. before graduation, our teacher gave us an assignment of making a speech in public places. what a surprising test! it made me feel nervous and excited.


开头:伊万卡演讲中英文 导语:伊万卡特朗普,1981年10月30日生于美国纽约,纽约地产大王唐纳德特朗普的女儿,世界超级名模,美国纽约房地产巨鳄特朗普集团副总裁,连续二年登上美国《福布斯》杂志的全球十大未婚女富豪排行榜榜首,她是纽约地产大亨唐纳德特朗普与他第一任妻子所生的孩子。


开头:竞选学生会主席演讲稿 good evening ladies and gentlemen: thank you for coming to this election campaign today. with the trust and complete support of my team, i am delighted to announce that i am running for chairman of the student union.


开头:miserable childhood, though, in a single run everywhere helpless when his suffering silently chewing, but anderson hasn't abandon your dreams, make great efforts to pursue their own a beautiful life. his experience let us tears, his success let us sad heart was comforted, see the sunshine breath.


开头:hello everybody! i am very glad to stand here to give you a short speech! today my topic is chinese dream. first i want to ask you some questions: 1do you know what is chinese dream 2what is your chinese dream?


开头:ladies and gentlemen: i thank you for being here. i'm going to get straight to the point. all traditional learning methods are futile.


开头:ted英文演讲:如何高效学习 so if you’ve been watching the news lately, you have probably seen photographs like this. students protesting because their government is cutting subsidies to education.


开头:ladies and gentlemen: my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.i have kept the dream in my mind for so long that whoever in the sun is able to live a happy life for ever.


开头:ladies and gentlemen , good morning! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.



