酷猫写作 > 范文大全 > 演讲稿 > 演讲稿开头


发布时间:2023-11-14 08:55:23 热度:38


开头:尊敬的各位领导、各位评委: 大家好! 我叫xx,在这里我以平常人的心态,参与幸福中学英语教师岗位竞聘。此次竞聘,本人为了响应人事制度改革的召唤,在有可能的情况下实现自己的人生价值。我现年39岁,大专文化程度,中学一级教师职称。1986年毕业于临沧师范学校英语班,同年八月分配到幸福中学任教。工作至今,我热爱党,热爱社会主义,服从领导分工安排,爱岗敬业,积极完成学校交给的各项任务。


开头:dear judges, good evening! thank you for holding this meaningful english speech competition. it offers us a stage not only for showing our interests, but also a great chance to communicate with and learn from others.


开头:尊敬的各位领导、老师: 大家下午好!我叫cnrencai,原来在南坞小学工作,近几年来一直从事小学英语的教学,今年因工作调动,调整到我们东申小学工作,我感到非常的高兴,同时,也非常感谢我们学校领导能给我这样一次展示自我、成就自我的机会。我今天我竞聘的岗位是三、四年级的英语教学。


开头:good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. good afternoon, boys and girls. good afternoon, everybody. i ’m glad to make a speech here. as we all know, tomorrow is teachers’ day. many people say that teachers are not unusual at all. that’s true. but i want to say though teachers are common, their job is unusual. what they do is very very great. i am an english teacher. so i’ll make an english speech here. and my topic is “live with thankfulness”. do you know what “thankfulness” means in chinese? it means “gan’en”.


开头:英语教师演讲稿一 尊敬的各位领导,各位老师,大家好。 我演讲的题目是《做个幸福的教师》。 幸福是当下人们讨论最多的一个问题之一,作为教师的我们,幸福是什么呢?幸福在哪里呢?


开头:a small truth to make life 100% karamay experimental middle school luo jintao good afternoon, my dear friends and the honorable judges.


开头:尊敬的各位领导、老师: 上午好!我叫***,现任二年级英语教师及英语教研组组长。我今天来竞聘英语教师的岗位。非常感谢学校领导给了我向大家介绍自己,接受检验和挑战的机会。我将客观地说明我自己所具备的应聘能力,全面地论述我对于做好英语教学工作的总体思路和具体措施,并且,将心悦诚服地接受各位领导和老师的评判。


开头:有一件事深深地触动了我。有一天我感冒了,很严重。我嘶哑着嗓子去给学生上课,那天恰巧我穿了件新衣。刚走进教室,幼儿园的孩子们就围了上来大呼小叫地说:“miss zhu beaitiful beaitiful的miss zhu!”我刚张开嘴让他们安静下来,突然有个声音大声地说:“不要吵了!老师的嗓子哑了!老师的嗓子都哑了!”顿时整个教室安静了下来,孩子们都在自己的座位上端正地坐好,安静地看着我。当我张开嘴让他们跟着我念单词时又有同学举手提议:“老师,我们今天学唱英文歌吧!我们能自己跟着磁带学,那样你的嗓子会好得快些,妈妈说嗓子哑了要少说话!”多懂事的孩子,只知他们平时爱惹我生气,不知他们竟也知道关心我!下课了,孩子们硬要把剥好的橘子塞进我的嘴里,说:“老师吃了它吧!吃了你的嗓子就会好了!”在那一刻我感受到了三十多颗幼小的心灵对我的抚慰,感受到了他们对我的理解和支持,作为一名幼儿教师我心甘情愿了!


开头:the feast of christmas it is not easy to pin-point the origins of the christmas feast, today the more important feast of the christmas season in most western christian churches. one can only say for certain that the birth of jesus christ was being celebrated in rome by the year 336 a.d.; afterwards the feast was celebrated in other christian churches throughout the world.




开头:各位领导、各位评委: 大家好! 我叫xxx,在这里我以平常人的心态,参与幸福中学英语教师岗位竞聘。此次竞聘,本人为了响应人事制度改革的召唤,在有可能的情况下实现自己的人生价值。我现年**岁,大专文化程度,中学一级教师职称。**年毕业于临沧师范学校英语班,同年八月分配到幸福中学任教。工作至今,我热爱党,热爱社会主义,服从领导分工安排,爱岗敬业,积极完成学校交给的各项任务。


开头:good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, it’s a great honor to speak here: i am an english teacher. people often say: teacher is the engineer of human spirit. last september, i became a teacher. how to become a real teacher? this is the first difficulty that i come across in my career. at first, i felt so good and fun to stay with so many lovely students, then i integrated with them, and soon, the problem came out. if a teacher can’t set up her dignity in front of the students, it will make the class teaching more difficult. in my lessons, the students often kept on talking, acting, and asking questions. what should i do? i can’t get along with them like this any more. i must be strict with them. pay more attention to what should be praised, what should be criticized. any carelessness is not permitted. at last, the class discipline became better.


开头:victor hugo once said: the cause is noble flower, and fruit is sweet cause, let us do the cause of the leaves, because the cause of the industry is extraordinary and humble, teachers silently as the green leaves that, when the moment carved frame of the beautiful flowers.


开头:英语教师竞聘演讲稿 各位评委、各位老师: 大家好! 我竞聘的岗位是初中英语教师岗位,竞聘这一岗位的理由如下:


开头:you all are leaving your alma mater now. i have no gift to present you all except a piece of advice. what i would like to advise is that 'don’t give up your study.' most of the courses you have taken are partly for your certificate. you had no choice but to take them. from now on, you may study on your own. i would advise you to work hard at some special field when you are still young and vigorous. your youth will be gone that will never come back to you again. when you are old, and when your energy are getting poorer, you will not be able to as you wish to. even though you have to study in order to make a living, studies will never live up to you. making a living without studying, you will be shifted out in three or five years. at this time when you hope to make it up, you will say it is too late. perhaps you will say, 'after graduation and going into the society, we will meet with an urgent problem, that is, to make a living. for this we have no time to study. even though we hope to study, we have no library nor labs, how can we study further?'


开头:尊敬的各位领导、老师: 上午好!我叫,现任二年级英语教师及英语教研组组长。我今天来竞聘英语教师的岗位。非常感谢学校领导给了我向大家介绍自己,接受检验和挑战的机会。我将客观地说明我自己所具备的应聘能力,全面地论述我对于做好英语教学工作的总体思路和具体措施,并且,将心悦诚服地接受各位领导和老师的评判。


开头:各位老师、各位同学: 大家好! 在这世上,有一种最能体现无私意蕴的情感叫做爱心,它能清除悲伤的瓦砾,推倒绝望的断壁,也能点燃希望的灯。做一名人民教师首先就要有一颗爱心,因为教育本身就意味着一棵树摇动另一棵树,一朵云推动另一朵云,一颗灵魂唤醒另一颗灵魂,是以德育德,以行导行,以智启智,以性养性,以情动情的过程。


开头:英语教师演讲稿范文 学春蚕吐丝丝丝不断,做蜡烛照路路路通明。”千百年来,多少人把教师比作春蚕,蜡烛,在她的呕心沥血、无私奉献中,又有多少祖国的花朵成为九州华夏的栋梁之材!谁又能知道,这其中包含着多少的汗水与泪水,也许老师那丝丝白发,斑斑皱纹是的见证。


开头:各位家长,下午好! 作为您孩子的英语老师,我也盼望着与您交流,共同探讨孩子成才的问题。英语学不好,在今后的社会中就难以立足,英语都起着很大的作用。两个月来,部分同学,进步的跨度相当大;也有很多同学保持了原有的水平,不过,还有一些同学需要更多努力。


开头:good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. good afternoon, boys and girls. good afternoon, everybody. i ’m glad to make a speech here. as we all know, tomorrow is teachers’ day. many people say that teachers are not unusual at all. that’s true. but i want to say though teachers are common, their job is unusual. what they do is very very great. i am an english teacher. so i’ll make an english speech here. and my topic is “live with thankfulness”. do you know what “thankfulness” means in chinese? it means “gan’en”.



